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ARTPOP Discussion & Info Database 1-4-2012 thru 7-11-2013


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Can I have her @ name?


Yes, don't spam her with Gaga questions though --> @StephzillaNJ

Even if she knows, she's not the person to tell.

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I still don't get why the mods won't feed our desperation with some solid info!

Might be because they actually don't know anything :teehee:

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Mods don't know anything guys. All the new members getting hyped for nothing :laughga: at the most the mods know maybe a few song titles.

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I already know she's shooting something or has just finished shooting something at Steiner Studios.  Ya'll just don't believe me lol  :dies:



i believe you


God knows, she needs to be getting on it with the Video or the album cover or the single cover etc etc

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:dies: Seriouslyyyy


ARTPOP is so close I can almost sip it..................... :gum:


It's been oooooooooooooooolong since we've had a sip tbh! SarjZ1f.gif

Stream my new single, 💜"Heartbeat"💜, on Spotify!
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Right READ THIS FIRST, because I know what this thread is like at not reading then shading;

I am FULLY aware this is NOT GAGA, but I found this on youtube and I would ABSOLUTELY love a song like this from gaga, the vocals are brilliant and the music is fantastic - simple yet catchy! :D 


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Everybody needs somebody. I'm somebody. Need your body.

We could be caught, were both convicted criminals of thought. -Sex Dreams #



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What do YOU think about a single that starts with L, ends with T and is based on future processed genetics...?


You're trying waaaaay to hard to be Gaga! You're a little too obvious with your trolling! Bye! bDqrKTD.gif

Stream my new single, 💜"Heartbeat"💜, on Spotify!
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It feels like one of those songs I would jam out all night to really late. :music:


Right READ THIS FIRST, because I know what this thread is like at not reading then shading;

I am FULLY aware this is NOT GAGA, but I found this on youtube and I would ABSOLUTELY love a song like this from gaga, the vocals are brilliant and the music is fantastic - simple yet catchy! :D 


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Lion Heart

Also, please check POPwater's facebook page! It includes some new stuff you will want to TASTE.

Troy Carter pls go. 

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OMG, remember when we talked about before that Zilla must know something?


This is her newest tweet from like a half an hour ago:


"Oh. Uhm gonna relax in the bath before the drama starts"  :excited2: 


Who's Zilla? Is this basically confirming that something IS going to happen? :udidnt:However, why did she use the word "drama"? :huh: That doesn't sound like a good thing...0Yw2lKn.gif  

Stream my new single, 💜"Heartbeat"💜, on Spotify!
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