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  2. LG666

    Legit insider confirms two variants covers for LG7

    The "leaked" image seems so familiar and gives me photoshopped image energy, a recycled face from the past.. I can't quite pin down what image but it's from the ARTPOP era. I don't believe it, and won't, until there is official proof after the countdown.
  3. BornAsUnic0rn

    The Razzie Awards nominees

    I want her to win and accept the award in a surprise performance in that Time Square pop-up thingy.
  4. OMF

    TMZ: Tracklist’s at end of countdown

    Does it matter thought? So many big artists just drop new albums all the time without even announcing.
  5. eddyjeddy

    Countdown finished reveal LEAK

  6. Invaluable advice . I’m so dumb enough to forget to pack essentials . All I wanna do is sunbathe and drink coffee
  7. eddyjeddy

    Countdown finished reveal LEAK

    Can you imagine the meltdowns... might go down the worse meltdowns in GagaDaily Herstory
  8. Starmie25

    Countdown on Gaga's Official Website

    Thank u REMORAID
  9. Today
  10. Starmie25

    Countdown on Gaga's Official Website

    Thank u REMORAID
  11. eddyjeddy

    Countdown on Gaga's Official Website

    Can you imagine when the countdown finishes... would we be surprised?
  12. We pray for an LG7 album drop bomb on the H100 then.
  13. Roughhouse Dandy

    Is Britney overrated?

    She's an icon. She was a trailblazer in the industry. She has shown she has been multifacetedly talented for almost her entire life. She'll go down in history as an important figure in modern music. She was not allowed to develop her artistry properly for most of her career. All factual statements. imo pop music has developed beyond *some* of her work and looking back it's not standing the test of time. A lot of her fans are hyperbolic about some of her output because of her immense potential, so I'd still say that she's slightly overrated. Wonderful performer 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
  14. RAMROD

    Countdown on Gaga's Official Website

    It was this picture which they likened it as hints cos this logo of same/similar color was in that website leak too
  15. Tyler1992

    Is Britney overrated?

    I truly believe if her career wasn’t hijacked, she would be next to Madonna and Michael Jackson in the upper echelon. I think the paparazzi and vultures surrounding her robbed everyone. They mined that stardust for every penny they could. She’s a blueprint for so many artists, and their formulas have been tweaked and perfected because Britney Spears created that path. It’s easy to forget that the music industry in the late 90’s/early 00’s was such a different landscape that she helped cultivate.
  16. ivxn

    Legit insider confirms two variants covers for LG7

    oh... my god
  17. Ronk

    Is Britney overrated?

    Nice, but I would put Britney and Gaga in the A-tier.
  18. Starmie25

    Countdown on Gaga's Official Website

    Can someone try post the link
  19. Id love to see her get a #1 again solo but she hasnt managed to do that since 2011 (14 years ago) Im not saying its impossible, id love to see it Edit: id call disease the bigger win cuz its more unknown
  20. AnglerfishbraBENUS

    TMZ: Tracklist’s at end of countdown

    what happens when frankenstein is on the tracklist
  21. Considering it looks like it was pulled from Radio imma say probably not
  22. Yes, there was a post earlier on X listing the full art style of each era along with their logos
  23. Mr Oak

    TMZ: Tracklist’s at end of countdown

    There was a (fake a$$) rumour like that a few months ago
  24. monstertoronto

    Countdown on Gaga's Official Website

    I wonder if it’s possible that the Legacies Ball rumour is actually true now that she’s actually recapping all her previous albums on her site with the countdown clock. It would tie in so well.
  25. My guess would be that technically doesn't violate the rule? Earthquake and Fashion Of His Love are two different songs. Gaga did however rework the pre-chorus into FOHL so it's kind of like she was sampling herself?
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