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STREAM: iTunes Festival / SwineFest


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Tommy Monster

I´m not quite sure I wanna hear all of the music this early, I dont know what to doooooo!!!!!!!  :excited2: this hype will kill me once  :laughga:

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This is so exciting! Has another huge artist ever performed a full album before its release date before? Its certaintly an interesting marketing strategy. Not sure if it will work in her favor or not. People usually enjoy shows more when they are familiar with the songs so they can sing along and sometimes you need to hear new music a few times before it clicks with you.


I'm sure the experience will be incredible for Gaga though. She will literally be able to see the initial fan reactions to her songs. I think that is the real reason why she is doing this. Not for sales, just because this is what she lives for.

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"ARTPOP is a "really very true glam electronic album". This really excites me. And also knowing that she went back herself through Zedd's productions, etc, and refined the synths, made them sound cleaner, etc. Looking forward to this very much.

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1 hour of new music....that's the whole album? Idk I kinda feel like that's even going to kill album sales more. 15 x 4 = 60.



That's like really big news that I feel like people aren't really understanding lmao.


Do you think she'll sing other songs that didn't make the actual cut of the album? For example, ARTPOP is about possibilities, about the experience of music, the way its received and transmitted, without any of the gossip or tabloid bull sh*t. I think its possible that she sings a lot of different songs that she created for us and maybe performs about 4 or 5 from the new album (Hopefully 3, not including Aura and Applause)

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There's no way she won't be performing her hits too. At least Just Dance, Poker Face, Bad Romance, Born This Way...


I say this because you can't even buy tickets to the iTunes festival, you just enter and people get randomly picked. So a lot of the audience probably won't even be monsters. I'd say it'll be about two thirds new music, or half even.


Also because an hour would surely be the entire album? We'd all hear it two months early!

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Are people really saying they don't want to see her perform brand new songs? Lol. I'm sorry but if she came to iTunes Fest and performed all of her old singles and Applause as the only new song, then that would be kind of a let down. I've seen her perform Poker Face thousands of times. I'll live if she doesn't perform it

Edited by Melodichard
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Ohgod I'm not sure about the itunes festival thing. I'm torn. I want to hear all the new music, but at the same time I want to be surprised when I get the album  :shrug:

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I think it's a great idea to perform new song live first. Gaga has never done it before. 

battle for your life.
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I can't wait for this, so exciting! This is the best news so far!

The future's uncertain and the end is always near.
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I'm so glad to hear all this news. Thank God it will be streamed, I would go crazy if it wasn't :sweat: Soo many things to look forward to I love it!!    

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