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Kanye reveals he isn't bipolar but has autism


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14 minutes ago, faysalaaa said:

doctors treating him are Jews that want to control black people

???sdkfjbskjdfb where did that come from?? I've never heard that

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16 minutes ago, weed said:

???sdkfjbskjdfb where did that come from?? I've never heard that

There is many example but here are two I found from google, its hard to find because alot of these videos and podcasts hes been on are deleted on the internet.


"Kanye West has accused his “Jewish doctor,” his “Jewish trainer,” and the “Jewish media” of conspiring to hopsitalise him in 2022 – when the rapper was admitted to the UCLA Medical Centre with exhaustion.

Speaking to Candace Owens, a prominent Pro-Trump political commentator, West said his “Jewish trainer” saw him reading the Bible, “put [him] in hospital, and then put it in the press""


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It’s actually quite common to get misdiagnosed for bipolar when really it’s undiagnosed ADHD, C-PTSD or autism. This happened in my inner circle and myself. :partysick:

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Sneaky Oliver

I mean, being who he is, he can come to any doctor and ask for any diagnosis that he wants just to cause a buzz in the press 

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Yeah sorry, there's quite literally millions, probably billions, of people on the spectrum and 99.99999% of them aren't nazi pieces of sh*t :heart: 

Kanye is trash 'cause he's a trash person, not 'cause his autism makes him act out :heart:

I'm just like 🧍‍♂️
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Ladle Ghoulash
1 hour ago, faysalaaa said:

Mental Illness but he refuse to help himself because he believes his mental issues are a gift from god, and doctors treating him are Jews that want to control black people.

This makes me believe he has Manic Bipolar with Narcissism

He’s also become addicted to huffing nitrous oxide. Dude is literally giving himself brain damage.

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Wow, this isn't going to get the autistic community onside. Society has reached a point where the condition is starting to be understood, but hateful people claiming autism to blame for their hate undoes all that. Autism is already something that genuinely malicious people have been deceitfully claiming to have to get away with being insulting and rude, so they don't get s**t for it and are given a free pass to do it in future because it's a case of "don't mind them, it's their autism that makes them that way." Plenty of sociopaths love to be considered autistic since it acts a great cover and has the benefit of being a recognisable condition that's somewhat understood and respected. While I'm not saying either of these things is true in Kanye's case, I just don't believe autism is the case, or if it is, isn't the only thing he has. The delusions of grandeur, abilities and god complex certainly point to narcissism. You can be autistic and a narcissist.

He's only started acting out to this extent recently suggesting it's not caused by something he was born with. For years, he was just egocentric but that was about it. His recent behaviour has always led me more to be suspicious of a psychotic break. That's why I've always been disapproving of what he says but don't actively drag him for it as there's a huge chance it points to a serious mental issue that isn't his fault. Mental illness can cause people to say hateful things that are out of character. Problem is, Kanye's been such an enigma for so long, it's hard to tell how much is a character and how much is the real him. Maybe he doesn't even know. Even a psychologist might struggle depending on what side of himself he decides to bring that day.

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And absolutely None of it is an excuse for supporting hitler/nazis :oops:

See The Best In Everyone
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Modern Ecstasy2
2 hours ago, JoeMo said:

As someone who diagnoses Autism as a profession… I would have to disagree with him on that one 

I would think a psychologist who assesses Autism would be the last person to make a claim like that about someone that you have not directly assessed.

“Delete this thread that person is not Gaga he is a hot blonde twink”
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