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Beyonce's team denies designer's claims of not being paid


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The txt messages from the designer (last screen) show they tried to contact them at end of September and followings texts few days apart for like what, a week? They may not had been able to reply being busy with other stuff. I’m not convinced Beyoncé or her management were ghosting him. Obviously there were stuff ups with incorrect account numbers given and got delays….?

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  On 10/13/2022 at 2:01 AM, TEANUS said:

But it's kind of different when it's her music career and things related versus Ivy Park or Parkwood Entertainment, and regardless of bad press, if this is true she should pay up versus her styling team like it seems like these people were originally to receive payment from.


But again, that’s not how business works. Why is Beyoncé made to pay double for a miscommunication issue between her stylist and a designer? Do you think Gaga handles every issue personally? That’s why they have managers and a team of people around them. Beyoncé should only be made aware of the issue. She should not be told to pay double for this issue. In my honest opinion. 

May I Read You? 😎
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  On 10/13/2022 at 1:24 AM, NATAH said:

um... not getting paid in any job is highly stressful if you have rent due and bills to pay :awkney:

i'm not an anti-stan, i'm just pro people getting paid and especially designers cus they get f*cked over all the time because people underestimate the importance of design

it's okay to admit beyonce and her team are in the wrong here


See… one thing about me is I never tend to find reason to over exaggerate a situation that’s quite common in business. Those who practice in the business world know this is fairly common and a miscommunication issue. Don’t gas it by using bills and such as the designer never made these claims to be struggling financially as a result of not getting paid yet. That’s doing far too much in my opinion. What we should do is let more facts come out and let them resolve their issue without choosing this to be the internet movement of the week that we pretend to care for until something more juicy happens soon after. That’s tired but hey do you. No judgment 

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Guillaume Hamon
  On 10/13/2022 at 4:10 AM, KingRedd said:

But again, that’s not how business works.


Indeed it's not CEOs who manages these things but at the same time, in any business, the highest ones in the hierarchy gonna be blamed if things aren't working "under" them.

They're responsible for getting a team doing the job so they can't hide behind "not me, it's my employees" and call it a day. No one would find it professional whatever the type of business.

15 years ago Bey was having legal issues with des'ree over copyright infringement and had to edit a new version of her album at the time to avoid more troubles. Even if she's obviously not doing it herself, she should check herself that proper credit/ payments were all done before an era borrowing other artists works start imo.

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Beyonce, part of a couple worth a billion dollars, refuses to pay a hard working artist for their work? (which helped promote her album). Disgusting

I'll be myself until they fūcking close the coffin.
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  On 10/13/2022 at 12:19 AM, Roughhouse Dandy said:

If the claims are legit then they should sue. I'm sure that would be more effective than posting on social media and making a mess. But I guess the mess is part of the appeal 👀

But why would Beyoncé even need a "free pass" for this? Even the designer said this wasn't about her.


It’s not about needing a free pass. It’s the fact that she always gets one. Even if someone slightly criticises that woman, they are labelled racist and shamed publicly. 

Not to mention that this is not even the first time “her team” has been accused of doing something like this. In fact, this is a running theme with them.

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  On 10/13/2022 at 1:22 AM, KingRedd said:

If this is stressful, she shouldn’t work with music artists and such alike. Business is stressful and tiring, yet compensating those who feel stressed by common business situations is a bit much. It’s easier for you to just say you want Beyoncé’s image to be hurt as opposed to choosing this incident to propose unnecessary changes when I’m sure you’re just an anti stan. But ehh what do I know anyway. Carry on 


What does she possibly have to gain from Beyonce's image getting hurt when her name is attached to Beyonce's productions? If anything, Beyonce having a positive public image actually benefits the artists.

Artists who've spent the time and effort to work for something deserve to compensated, how is this even a point we have to discuss?

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  On 10/13/2022 at 4:15 AM, KingRedd said:

 Don’t gas it by using bills and such as the designer never made these claims to be struggling financially as a result of not getting paid yet. 


read the screenshots, they literally said they're 2 months behind on rent lmao

mother, what must i do?
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  On 10/12/2022 at 10:59 PM, NATAH said:

compensation for the stress caused by her team


Would y’all be saying this if this were Nicola? Genuinely curious lol

Everytime someone claims Gaga took a concept without paying everyone here is quick to say “xyz wants a check”

if you don’t like Beyoncé just say that, stop being haters!

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If this was done by Haus of Gaga, people would drag Gaga personally. Now it’s the stylist. At this point beyhive should start sending money to all the poeple she did wrong. :billie:

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  On 10/13/2022 at 10:55 AM, Gaga2645 said:

Would y’all be saying this if this were Nicola? Genuinely curious lol

Everytime someone claims Gaga took a concept without paying everyone here is quick to say “xyz wants a check”

if you don’t like Beyoncé just say that, stop being haters!


if he hasn't paid someone, yes!

mother, what must i do?
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I honestly feel more and more that B doesn't care about the "making" of the album. Like she records, takes the pictures and videos and then goes back to her house and let her team deal with the rest. 

Also if the prices are true this is UNBELIEVABLE. Because they are independent artists they should be underpaid now? I f hope this was $7500 and not 750! 

The gurl literally signed a multi-million dollars contract with Tiffany's. 

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  On 10/13/2022 at 10:55 AM, Gaga2645 said:

Would y’all be saying this if this were Nicola? Genuinely curious lol

Everytime someone claims Gaga took a concept without paying everyone here is quick to say “xyz wants a check”

if you don’t like Beyoncé just say that, stop being haters!


Actually when the whole dog walker situation happened with Gaga, everyone was pretty much expecting her to pay for his medical expenses as well as some extra.

When people are late on bills, interest is very commonly involved. That's a pretty normal adult concept, in business and personal finance. The designer being late on rent/bills is causing them to incur their own fees and interest, as well as stopping the financing of other projects. Not sure how well you looked at the post, but the total due is at $21,000-$27,000. 

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  On 10/13/2022 at 8:03 AM, Meat said:

It’s not about needing a free pass. It’s the fact that she always gets one. Even if someone slightly criticises that woman, they are labelled racist and shamed publicly. 

Not to mention that this is not even the first time “her team” has been accused of doing something like this. In fact, this is a running theme with them.


literally the 2 ppl who quoted me both just branded me as a mindless hater :ladyhaha:

beyonce is allowed to be in the wrong, guys

mother, what must i do?
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  On 10/13/2022 at 1:17 AM, KingRedd said:

A CEO doesn’t, or rarely, handle such matters. Beyoncé has employees that handle things like this. She will most likely rely a message to her executives and they will handle it. Kinda like Gaga didn’t fire Richy because her dancers were upset with him. She has a team who handles HR issues and company issues behind the scenes. Simple as that. Only Twitter and people who don’t like Beyoncé expect this “controversy” as her fault. 


I’m sorry, but if the person who doesn’t pay the service they were provided with is her STYLIST, then it seems like it’s a small team of people managing creative stuff, and it seems they do it extremely amateurishly if it got to this level of negative exposure for Beyonce. It’s really hard for me to wrap my head around how come a huge brand like Beyonce is managed in such poor form, and yes, her team’s incapacity also mean her own incapacity to handle her own brand. 

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