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Lady Gaga in Barney’s New York animation


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Come on guys, it was a cute clip.... They weren't being s-xual they were just being models.... Seriously, lighten up.... I hope nobody expected lead single from ARTPOP lol

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I'm guessing that when they change is meant to be a dig at the model industry that we expect them to be super tall and skinny and they can't walk the runway without it. or am i just reading into this too much.

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I'm guessing that when they change is meant to be a dig at the model industry that we expect them to be super tall and skinny and they can't walk the runway without it. or am i just reading into this too much.

That's what I thought, too.

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It's cute I guess. Just seems out of character for Disney characters. Then again, when has Disney ever been like was 20 years ago? Is this promotion for another Barney's sale?

Dancing in the Shadow... 🖤
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Allison M

The part where they got skinny human bodies was kinda disturbing imo haha

I thought the same thing!!

I'm guessing that when they change is meant to be a dig at the model industry that we expect them to be super tall and skinny and they can't walk the runway without it. or am i just reading into this too much.

This too

I dont understand the video though What's the story behind it?

Minnie saw a dress in a window and envisioned it on her(runway) and then Mickey surprised her and bought. At the end she feels confident just like she imagined(but in her natural form).

I don't really know tbh lol

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