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Lady Gaga twitter topic (part 3)


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Sadly the last tweet of Tara ain't that funny.

The link doesn't work, it seems to have been deleted... What was it?

EDIT: Oh okay, it does work now. Sorry! I almost wish I hadn't seen it. :confuse:

Tara! The cute girl hugging a Hitler doll! OMG :lmao:

Wtf? To say that it's enormously tasteless and tone-deaf of her is a huge understatement.

Edited by Nissa
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who are the other Haus members on there? Links?

I like Tara posting pictures of herself cause she's smoking hot. :)

I mean idont see other people close to gaga do that, like her dancers for example, mark and jeremy they are so popular there, and they dont have accounts, and put pics of themselves.. :roll:

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Wow a lot of this fan base is being super immature . Tara is an individual and can posts whatever she'd like . As for her selfies on LM.com, are monsters not allowed to do the same? What is the argument there, just jealousy.

On the twitter topic: I'm glad she's tweeting a bit today. Hopefully she does that thing she did a week ago and tweet after a feehours with a last minute surprise of some sort. *unlikely

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I know Tara meant that tweet as a joke, but it's still extremely tasteless and insensitive, tbh. :nails:

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Wow a lot of this fan base is being super immature . Tara is an individual and can posts whatever she'd like . As for her selfies on LM.com, are monsters not allowed to do the same? What is the argument there, just jealousy.

On the twitter topic: I'm glad she's tweeting a bit today. Hopefully she does that thing she did a week ago and tweet after a feehours with a last minute surprise of some sort. *unlikely

Jealousy? How could anyone ever come up with such a conclusion after reading the concerned and/or critical posts here?

You're talking about Tara's tweet, right? If anything you're acting immature because you're downplaying the gravity of the subject - doing what Tara did, even in jest, is not okay. To do it where millions can see it? Even less okay.

As for her selfies, people go to LM.com to see Gaga pictures and what people saw today and yesterday was Tara's face plastered all over. It's like the fad of half-naked guys spamming the site with pictures of themselves that fortunately eventually got stopped. It's not a big deal, I posted one comment asking if somebody else hoped it wouldn't be that way every day now that she's been doing it a lot. :shrug:

Re: the tweet. Of course she can say whatever she likes, but would you be so happy if she referenced horrific events in the past concerning gays, women, minorities, etc. just for giggles? Would that also be an acceptable joke for you? Oh, my bad, in fact Tara already did what I just mentioned, all in that one neat little tweet of free speech. :roll:

There's a fine line between being tongue-in-cheek and being tasteless - and this tweet of hers went far beyond that line.

Edited by Nissa
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Wow a lot of this fan base is being super immature . Tara is an individual and can posts whatever she'd like .

yeah yeah, she can post whatever she wants on her twitter. But it was irresponsible of her to tweet that to Gaga, knowing quite well its a sensitive subject to many people, and if Gaga replied or retweeted she would be ripped to shreds, not to mention hurt her fans.

Edited by Lightning
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Rudz Xinc

"why so serious son?" quoted Joker

some of u guys need to take a chill pill

Edited by RudzXinc
Look at those clowns
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Lady Gaga â€@ladygaga

BTW, anyone on little http://monsters.com FACT: when you are in a chat, you are all speaking completely different languages (INTERNATIONAL)

Lady Gaga â€@ladygaga

My network coders developed a seamless translating system. Your seeing your native language when you type, and I am seeing mine. Cool huh!

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pink sushi

Some of you people are way overreacting....

It's was just a joke...I'm sure she didn't mean to offend anyone...

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