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RQ: Born This Way Ball in Kansas Audio


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Hey guys

I used to have a almost full show of BTWB live from Kansas City, ripped from YouTube, all songs, in quality A-. But after my computer broke down, I lost them and when I went to search it again on YT I found out the channel was possibly deleted. :(

Does someone know the videos I'm talking about? Or have them? I think they had a white watermark with the name of channel (which started with J) on the corner.

Thanks in advance monsters!

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On 13/08/2016 at 1:41 PM, Moncher said:

Jason J or something right ? I used to watch his videos too, but can not find them. If you do not mind here you can find a few of full show recordings of BTWB but not the Kansas one http://www.gagafrontrow.net/p/musicarchives.html

Well... thank you... :giveup::hug:

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