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Dada speaks on TFM days: "she had the best team possible"


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So we are supporting the comments of the ex boyfriend who is suing Gaga now?... You flop ****ing fans. Her creative team would be nothing without its central brain, Gaga. Where are all their flop asses now? Not making headlines. This is what happens when your ego gets too big and you start thinking you are Gaga and that she isn't a creative powerhouse in her own right.


GTFO ------->

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No lies detected.

Her team back then was just flawless,  gaga should take some notes from her own past cause the current era is a total mess.

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Allison M

Optimus, on 03 Feb 2014 - 13:24, said:

I heard that Laureann left because she thoight that Gaga's mind was becoming too dark and her visions too. It has been said that Troy left because he wanted Gaga to make sure that there was a  big hit on ARTPOP  but Ggaa said she wasnt going to betray her art visions or whatever it was for a hit.. so its Gaga to blame tho


for standing up for what she creates? I'm proud of Gaga for not conforming to anyone else's visions or letting Lauriann or Troy alter them. 

Donatello, on 03 Feb 2014 - 13:44, said:

It is becoming increasingly clear a) Gaga cannot manage long lasting relationships b) her communications is **** not only with fans but with colleagues.


No. We know nothing about communication behind the scenes so it's completely unclear. We have no knowledge of what happens so you are making a pretty bold statement about something you know nothing about. And he communication is definitely not **** with her fans. She communicates more with her fans than any other artist. 

Pop, on 03 Feb 2014 - 13:38, said:

- She shouldn't have slept with Dada and then let him go. (there we lost the clean & contemporary concepts)

- She shouldn't have EVER made Lauriann the creative director of the Haus. She's a choreographer. (there we lost the cool performances & videos)

- She shouldn't have replaced Nicola Formicetti. (there we lost the fresh new fashion)

Suddenly, Laurieann was doing Dada's work, Laurieann was replaced by her assistant & Nicola was replaced by his assistant. On top of that, she broke up with her manager.

All of that resulted in a floppy, messy era like ARTPOP and the end of BTW.


- Dada left on his own. Gaga did not let him go

- I agree.

- Nicola left on his own so she had no choice but to replace him. And Gaga's fashion is fine.

Also, all Gaga wore toward the end of her time with Nicola was Mugler and it was so boring.

I miss Dada and the work they created together, but you guys all act as if he was the glue holding everything together. She has done just fine without him and will continue to.  They all worked for Gaga and created what came to Gaga's mind. 

For example: Gaga came up with the fire bra. Dada just made it. 

I simply CANNOT at you guys doubting Gaga as a creative person and acting as if she can't come up with anything now that those people are gone.


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Yep. It's almost like the stars aligned for her during that time, and everything went as perfectly as possible.

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HELLO... stop beeing delusional, and give Gagas new team a chance to prove themselves. She said herself, that they are BACK on track so that means there was a reorganization in her team. 


Please give ARTPOP a chance! ARTPOP isn't a mess, because there isn't anything to make mess of. Mess would be a bad quickly put together DWUW video, and unhappy/sad Gaga. We still have a chance friends!  :hor:

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He described TFM perfectly. Literally everything was top-notch that era. Gaga's current team has a lot to prove. They've already made a huge mess of ARTPOP but lets see if they can salvage it whenever Gaga decides to restart the era.




I see the subtle Dark Horse promo there Dada :derpga:


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So we are supporting the comments of the ex boyfriend who is suing Gaga now?... You flop ****ing fans. Her creative team would be nothing without its central brain, Gaga. Where are all their flop asses now? Not making headlines. This is what happens when your ego gets too big and you start thinking you are Gaga and that she isn't a creative powerhouse in her own right.


GTFO ------->

Rob Fusari is suing her, not Matthew. Now go back to the kitchen and make me a sandwich

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If Gaga had a problem with Laurieann, she should have tried to work things out, just COMMUNICATE - same goes for Troy (who said his firing came as a shock to him, implying no discussion took place).


It is becoming increasingly clear a) Gaga cannot manage long lasting relationships b) her communications is **** not only with fans but with colleagues.

The VP under Troy left the day Gaga fired Troy. He's a grown man with a steady job and a mortgage and bills to worry about, but yet, he threw it all away to go with Gaga the day she fired Troy. Something happened at that time to make Gaga fire Troy that suddenly, in the middle of an era, and to make his right hand man quit his job that very day.

No one, INCLUDING YOU, knows what went on behind the scenes. Did you ever stop to think that it could have been something that was beyond communication? Something that was bad enough for Gaga to have to make such a swift decision and for the Vice President to quit immediately? Could have been something to do with a major trust issue or mishandling of money.


If Laurieanne was so ****ing great, why hasn't she done anything of significance since she left Gaga? Where are all her success stories? She's had enough time, where are all the amazing artists, shows and videos she has done?


It's becoming increasingly clear that some fans have a problem with Gaga, and have had since the TFM era. They want that back, but they aren't going to get it, so they are miserable and their goal is to make everyone else witness their daily misery.


Gaga seems to have a long term relationship WITH YOU. You have followed her since the TF days, but all you can do is whine and complain about the past four years. Even though she hasn't done anything you liked, with anyone that you thought was talented, for the PAST FOUR YEARS, here you are- day after day talking about her! I also see you are trying to get tickets to her upcoming tour. So, despite the fact that you are unhappy with every single thing for four years now, you still follow her every single day and want to spend your money to see her in concert!?

I would say Gaga is pretty good at long term relationships with fans- YOU are PROOF OF THAT! :) ;)

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Willy Wonka

I made a thread about this a few weeks ago. The quality of her team has gone downhill. I wish Dada would come back.

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No one, INCLUDING YOU, knows what went on behind the scenes. Did you ever stop to think that it could have been something that was beyond communication? Something that was bad enough for Gaga to have to make such a swift decision and for the Vice President to quit immediately? Could have been something to do with a major trust issue or mishandling of money.

You don't have to be Sherlock Holmes to make simple implications. The facts will never be presented to us, we have to make do with a belief we trust the most given the details and stand by that. Even if Gaga speaks out, she is equally unreliable, just look at the differing origins of her stage name. Look at patterns, Laurianne left because Gaga got 'too dark', Nicola because Gaga got 'too exhausting', Dada because Gaga got allegedly too intimate. Departures are always not on good terms, and these individuals never come back/visit.


You have made a perfectly reasonable deduction - money mishandling - yourself. I am also free to make my own deductions. I'm aware it might not be bad communication, but I will stand by that as after careful thought, this is what makes sense to me.

If Laurieanne was so ****ing great, why hasn't she done anything of significance since she left Gaga? Where are all her success stories? She's had enough time, where are all the amazing artists, shows and videos she has done?

When specifically Gaga and Laurieanne work together, they make a good collaboration. You can't cut/paste the individuals involved in a good collaboration elsewhere and expect amazing results. This is what Dada meant about not everybody can recreate the same success.


Besides, by the same line of logic, what has Gaga done since Laurieanne quit right before MTN, except "flop" in the face of the GP? She has been a rapidly declining icon since but has had more exposure than Laurieanne thanks to her established brand name.

Gaga seems to have a long term relationship WITH YOU. You have followed her since the TF days, but all you can do is whine and complain about the past four years. Even though she hasn't done anything you liked, with anyone that you thought was talented, for the PAST FOUR YEARS, here you are- day after day talking about her! I also see you are trying to get tickets to her upcoming tour. So, despite the fact that you are unhappy with every single thing for four years now, you still follow her every single day and want to spend your money to see her in concert!?

I would say Gaga is pretty good at long term relationships with fans- YOU are PROOF OF THAT! :) ;)

 Sorry but where have you read I've been unhappy about the past four years? I always speak of TF/TFM/BTW with the greatest praise. I only drag ARTPOP's performances (I like the tracks).


I'm buying tickets to the tour but will sell them on if it looks amateur from fans' youtube clips... can you blame me with that poster?

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The fact of the matter is that we really don't know what has exactly happened behind the scenes. So, y'all need to stop pulling **** out of your asses. Like, we don't know what has happened. But, yea, we do know that she needs a new team. The mess that has come to be ARTPOP can certainly be blamed on a lack of a coherent team. And on Gaga's poor judgment as well. She's at least partly to blame for this as well tbh. People **** up, it happens. Hopefully she and her new team (if she has one) are learning from this. 

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So we are supporting the comments of the ex boyfriend who is suing Gaga now?... You flop ****ing fans. Her creative team would be nothing without its central brain, Gaga. Where are all their flop asses now? Not making headlines. This is what happens when your ego gets too big and you start thinking you are Gaga and that she isn't a creative powerhouse in her own right.

GTFO ------->

Omg :lmao: thank you so much for this post. Keep spilling that tea sis.

Rob Fusari is suing her, not Matthew. Now go back to the kitchen and make me a sandwich

Luc also sued Gaga if Im not wrong.

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If Gaga had such a huge ego problem that caused all these people to leave, then why did all their #1 assistants stay and take their job?  Do people somehow think these assistants, who likely did most of the day to day work, were blinded to all these issues that caused the others to go?  If things sucked that bad, wouldn't the assistants have gone elsewhere themselves?

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