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Chromatica w/out BloodPop is better


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1 hour ago, Red said:

I’m tired of this fanfiction :triggered: Gaga literally scrapped almost all her songs made in 2015 cause she didn’t like them anymore, what makes you think she wouldn’t do the same if she wasn’t vibing with the final Chromatica? Why can’t we fathom that Gaga is the boss? Why is it so hard to accept that BloodPop did not do anything Gaga did not want him to do?

She just recently said that she felt for the first time in her entire career that she was FINALLY IN CHARGE.


That’s where she’s at now. Where she is mentally at. And it’s showing. So yeah, I personally can see that being true. She’s always been in charge but she’s never been fully NO I AM DOING WHAT I WANT PERIOD! in a long time.



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Melania K Trump

The demo's sound like what they are: demos. They are unfinished renders of a concept of each song that is designed to be polished at a later stage. We have no proof, except for Babylon, that Bloodpop was not involved from beginning to end for the production of each and every one of the songs on Chromatica. Anything said to the contrary is just baseless speculation. You don't have to go on a tirade signaling a certain person out just because in your subjective opinion you didn't like the way the album sounded in the end.

Current First Lady of the United States. Praying for my husband's death.
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The only better demo is probably Free Woman, that's it lol

🇵🇭༼;´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽🇵🇭
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7 hours ago, Nagini said:

It's actually wild people are defending choruses like: 

"I-I'll be your Enigma." End of chorus, beat drop.

"Replay re-re-play eh eh." End of chorus, beat drop.

"I want your stupid love, love." End of chorus, beat drop.

"I'm a free woman, free." End of chorus, beat drop.

"Rain. On. Me" End of chorus, beat drop.

"Heard a sign." End of chorus, beat drop.

I don't even think it's a "bad" album per se, but definitely some of Gaga's and Bloodpop's weakest work. 

I don't like beat drops much in general anyway but most of those songs you listed have actual Choruses you're talking about the post chorus (except Stupid Love)

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Bloodclot ruins everything he touches

had a northern lad, well not exactly had.
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10 hours ago, Red said:

Why can’t we fathom that Gaga is the boss?


She is until she's not. Look at Richie situation. She's the boss but she let this situation happen for years. And I really feel she recorded Chromatica, because everyone wanted another album, maybe she felt the pressure. But it very generic, very not-gaga. She didn't care about, that's what I get from the final product. 

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10 hours ago, Red said:

I’m tired of this fanfiction :triggered: Gaga literally scrapped almost all her songs made in 2015 cause she didn’t like them anymore, what makes you think she wouldn’t do the same if she wasn’t vibing with the final Chromatica? Why can’t we fathom that Gaga is the boss? Why is it so hard to accept that BloodPop did not do anything Gaga did not want him to do?

Because Gaga literally said in the NYT podcast interview that during this time she was not in a good place and that she was not the boss and she said during this time she did not make her best work because she let other people take over. She said now she finally is the boss and mayhem was all on her terms. 

Pronounced like “Balenciaga” . Emphasis on the “Ga”
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Look I’ll say this: I thunk chromatica is fine but she said it herself she wasn’t writing her best here. And she wasn’t. At the end of the day it’s her music and she also was not doing as well or making as well as she could have been (depression, woo!). Bloodpop did give a lot of pop where idk if we needed that but gaga also wrote less than stellar songs and tbf sojourned into a sound she doesn’t know (she even said how much she had to learn about house) and when she does that she typically tries to pop-ify it. This is not bloodpop’s fault exclusively: it’s also the result of Gaga being in the “how do I reinvent myself?” Headspace that she’s been talking about abandoning for mayhem.

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1 hour ago, AiDi said:


She is until she's not. Look at Richie situation. She's the boss but she let this situation happen for years. And I really feel she recorded Chromatica, because everyone wanted another album, maybe she felt the pressure. But it very generic, very not-gaga. She didn't care about, that's what I get from the final product. 

Same. She felt ASIB pressure to “return” and it was lowkey crippling and she was happy with the music but knew it wasn’t her absolute best. It’s still good, though!

Edited by Ziggy
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10 hours ago, TylerMedeiros said:

She just recently said that she felt for the first time in her entire career that she was FINALLY IN CHARGE.


That’s where she’s at now. Where she is mentally at. And it’s showing. So yeah, I personally can see that being true. She’s always been in charge but she’s never been fully NO I AM DOING WHAT I WANT PERIOD! in a long time.



But I don’t think that’s about bloodpop bc why do that hahaha I think it’s about Richie’s comments and also the very fact that she can’t be ****ed w/ anymore bc she has Michael’s protection via his connections and incredible f u money. She never bad mouths producers. I think she appreciates bloodpop’s and her collaboration but knows the real value was how it helped her in her life not the music which she seemed a bit disconnected from 

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