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Taylor hugs Trump supporting friend


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2 hours ago, Cameltoe Chariot said:

PeOpLe CaN Be FrIeNdS wiTh PeOpLE wHo HavE DiFFEreNT PoLiTicS!!!!!!!!!!!111 :cello2:

Sorry, but I could never relate to someone in that death cult. Nor would I want to be associated with it. But Swifties will obviously defend this until they're blue in the face. As far as I'm concerned though, MAGA = Nazi.

I’m not a swiftie- but I can see how immature your post is. 

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this is so unbelievably lame that people are flipping their t!ts about this. it’s not like this girl was out there storming the capitol. if they are friends, they’re not just suddenly going to stop being friends??


i’ll never understand why anyone would support Shrump, but like… in the real world we interact with people who maybe vote differently than we do. And honestly it might not even come up when they talk! isn’t everyone freaking out just because this girl liked an Instagram post? 


this makes me mad because I find TS bland and insufferable and folks have me defending her 😫 if you’re so concerned with who someone who doesn’t even know you exist is hanging out with once a week at a football game, maybe reevaluate your priorities 


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Cameltoe Chariot
28 minutes ago, NCgaga said:

I’m not a swiftie- but I can see how immature your post is. 

Care to elaborate?

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1 hour ago, Lara Croft said:

You know, we do have to consider the actual possibility that she may vote for Trump in the election.

I mean, she’s not openly supported either party, and said nothing when those AI photos were published. She also now sits in a class of people who are expected to benefit financially if Trump wins…

It’s disgusting and would make me dislike her more, but it is her right unfortunately :sick:

Gurl please, where did this come from?  :icant:

She clearly against Trump, she endorses biden the last time. And she fought with her dad about wanting to be more political too. Cos she doesn't stand values that Trump have. 

(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ✧*:・゚ 𝚍𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚑𝚊𝚍𝚘𝚠 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚗𝚒-𝚒-𝚒-𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝...! (*´艸`*) ♡♡♡
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I really don’t care about Swift and her life, lol, but came here to share a thought on the hypothetical being friends with a MAGA person. Some say we can have difference of political opinions and still be friends or cordial. Not a fan of that take.

As the second wave feminist movement (which had its problems) said “the personal is political.”  

We can argue if pineapple belongs on pizza (an opinion) but we are not agreeing to disagree or having an argument about human rights and equality or equity.

Also, thinking of Popper’s “paradox of tolerance” - where he said “we cannot tolerate that which is intolerable.” The whole MAGA agenda is intolerable and we cannot just “tolerate” it. 

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The whole "We can have different opinions and still be friends! It's okay, it's just politics" rhetoric is stupid to me tbh. I feel like the phrase "it's just politics" really diminishes the idea of what politics is. In today's day and age, the notion of politics is heavily associated with social issues (i.e., civil liberties, human rights, social injustices, etc.). Social issues have always been a huge part of politics, but especially nowadays, when the word "politics" is mentioned, most people think about the social implications rather than something like the economy.

I have a very low tolerance for people who have different opinions than me in that area. It just seems like a basic, humane thing to actively not be racist, homophobic, transphobic, sexist, etc. If I had it 100% my way, I would refuse to associate with people who think and believe that way; however, it's not always easy in practicality. I have family members, for instance, who are MAGA cultists. I don't really talk to them, and I try to avoid any sort of political conversation whatsoever.

In regards to Taylor specifically, I'm sure she has different viewpoints than me on the matter. Clearly she doesn't mind associating with people who have different viewpoints than her. Ok. She's a grown adult and she can navigate these situations on her own. I don't think this is particularly news-worthy, but I also don't understand why people actively embrace MAGA cultists. I would want nothing to do with them.

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“Hey girlie! I know you support taking away LGBTQ rights and also support a wannabe-dictator, but that’s okay because you’re my boyfriend’s friend’s wife!” 

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Cameltoe Chariot
2 minutes ago, ALGAYDO said:

“Hey girlie! I know you support taking away LGBTQ rights and also support a wannabe-dictator, but that’s okay because you’re my boyfriend’s friend’s wife!” 

in this house we worship our billionaire overlords and their friendships with alt right aligned trumpers!


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5 minutes ago, Cameltoe Chariot said:

in this house we worship our billionaire overlords and their friendships with alt right aligned trumpers!


Exactly! There’s nothing wrong with blindly supporting a billionaire who gives 0 f*ck about you, and who is girl-pals with fascist-lovers! Glad you understand bb :runhug: 

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4 hours ago, Sugar Baby said:

You guys know you can be friends with people with different political views right? 
one of my best friends is literally a religious catholic straight guy and I am gay lol 

As a religious catholic man, I dissent.

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I despise Trump as much as the next guy, but come on this is a little ridiculous. So many assumptions off of a simple picture that shows them being friendly 

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Lara Croft
1 hour ago, RAMROD said:

Gurl please, where did this come from?  :icant:

She clearly against Trump, she endorses biden the last time. And she fought with her dad about wanting to be more political too. Cos she doesn't stand values that Trump have. 

I mean people change political views all the time, and sometimes a small number of self-benefiting policies is enough to sway any voter.

I don’t so much think that ‘hanging out with people who support Trump’ is very indicative of anything, but hey, it also could be? Dunno.

The silence this time around is what gets me. I don’t think she’d sign a contract clause stating she can’t talk about politics like some people suggest.

Some have also suggested she won’t speak about it until after the tour, but I don’t know why anyone that wants to speak on politics so much would put money first when it’s highly likely it won’t impact her at all.

It all just feels really odd :shrug:

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I adjusted my post after discovering that after the game, the two couples went on a double date at a high end restaurant in the city.

While I strongly believe you can be friendly to people who have opposing views as well as having the belief that we should not be further dividing the country especially within other likeminded people by holding them to some standard for whom they interact with (I don't really view a hug as indication of a close relationship - after all, she hugs her fans, who are complete strangers to her), you certainly don't go on a double date with someone unless you are especially close with them.

Four years ago, she openly chastised him and openly supported Biden and Harris. I do not believe political opinions often sway to such large degrees in a matter of 4 years, especially in favor of someone who is vehemently against things Taylor herself has advocated on behalf of in posts and even have nods to in songs. But things are more complicated than that in a world where she has the fear of the safety of herself and fans at her show which has been threatened very recently. Politics are very hot and people respond very passionately (derogatory) to those against them.

Edited by Agunimon
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