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Lady Gaga Can't Get Over Exposed! So Stop Worrying!


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I agree that Gaga can't get overexposed now, and I don't think she was until maybe late 2013.   I don't remember her being overexposed 2010/2011, but I trust your memory.  My thoughts:  Early in her career she was super exposed, and she did extremely well.  I would not call that overexposed, because the term has a negative implication.  She flourished with that exposure.   I noticed no decline in her popularity thru the BTWB Tour ending in early 2013.  ARTPOP under-performed in 2013.  Perhaps she was overexposed by then.

I think super exposure would again be a good thing this time.  It will demonstrate how she excels in her multiple talents, if people don't already know.

Sure, haters will try to spin her exposure into a negative, but "haters' gonna hate" so I pay no mind to them.

I live outside the space time continuum.
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You make a good point that overexposure is mostly reserved for new artists who are promoted everywhere. They're deliberately overexposed by their labels to ensure they get their entire 15 minute chance milked to the utmost degree so the label can quickly realise if they made a good investment. It's a barometer test. Downside is, it can push them into too much success (there can be a thing) where the bigger you are, the harder you fall and that success can't be replicated in future eras. The public brand them a flop and move on in the worst case scenario. I've seen so many one/two album wonders who had major success out the gate and were never heard from again. If you can survive that overexposure, like Gaga did, you're built to last. Streaming also means that it's harder to have music shoved on you like the old days, people listen to what they like and avoid what they dislike. Gaga also has a lot of breathing room between her albums, it's artists who put out albums every 1-2 years with no let-up in between that really get on people's wick and their success starts to be resented.

DWAS's success proves that the public are here for Gaga again. Even a super successful album won't have more than a year of heavy promo, which is nothing at all. She's solidified, people don't question if she deserves her success anymore, so she's no longer annoys people like she used to, so overexposure won't be a factor. Music and movies are different mediums that'll be handled differently too. 

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I think overexposure is a myth tbh. Always has been. The "risk" is getting very popular then doing, saying, or standing for something polarizing.

Gaga wasn't "overexposed" at the height of TFM/BTW. That's just simply when she became more outspoken.

Suddenly, she wasn't just a cool chick making cool music, she was a politically active feminist who wrote songs about unfair laws and who unapologetically supported the LGB and T at a time when it was only just beginning to be a popular stance to do so.

Her perceived "fall from grace" only happened 'cause she followed up that polarizing era (BTW) with a 6 month hiatus to heal from an injury and then an album with super specific-to-her themes laid in already-dated production and promoted that new album with an air of pretentiousness while dealing with management issues culminating in a clumsy album cycle that would have "failed" even if ARTPOP was a follow up to TFM.

That's not to drag ARTPOP btw, she's my baby :enigma: just saying, overexposure was never a thing and it's not what caused her dip in popularity.

She was EVERYWHERE for ASIB but by then, she was toned down, spoke more softly, and Bobby is just a great manager so there was no mess behind the scenes.

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I agree that Gaga was overexposed in late 2011, during the BTW era, and that was definitely when she became less popular initially. 

I also agree that it’s not possible for this type of overexposure to happen to her again, regardless of future success. ASIB era was a good sign that she can be on top of the world again without the polarizing image she had earlier in her career. 

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Guillaume Hamon

For us it seems she's often around cause we're stans checking for her all the time. For the GP it's like she's frequently gone for long periods.

If one would tell a random person about the career risk of an overexposure of lady Gaga they would be surprised I bet.

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I’m in no way shape or form afraid of overexposure but I do feel like her team/label is on a fine line of not striking while the iron is hot and releasing LG7 lead/announcing the album if it’s as “imminent” as we’re told. 

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I totally agree 

Being over exposed is something no one achieved in the past decade except for Taylor Swift. Yes DWAS is a hit and Joker is about to be released but people aren't gonna be sick of Gaga for this. Also Gaga always shows a different face and vibe in her different projects so people get less sick of her :traumatica:

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The only fans that are worried about overexposure are those who are obsessed with the charts & pitting Gaga against her peers. 

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13 hours ago, Catnikko said:

There's people worrying about Gaga being over exposed? :fatcat: this isn't 2011

You know what clinical psychology call this? Well, trauma! And she also tells us arguably that trauma is the ultimate k*ller…

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I feel like she's managed to find the sweet spot. She's not overexposing herself but gives just enough to stay relevant. I feel like her film career helps a lot and she managed to combine it with her music perfectly. Even though she takes long breaks before albums now, she does films in-between. So even though she doesn't release music that often she stays fresh in people's minds thanks to her acting.

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Reject False Icons

She won’t, people have such a short attention span now that every big release gets forgotten within a week 

unless she drops a “Barbie the movie” blockbuster and at the same time a “Flowers” mega hit she won’t be over exposed

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Trends have changed, 

If anything you need even MORE exposure, we are so bored these days and crave constant stimulation, we watch TikToks for 2 secs then scroll and bam again and again. 

Fame is democratised through social media. What wins and resonates through is diverse talent and likability… I feel like if she harnesses both, and deepens her already carved niche into the ‘weird’ ‘dark’ ‘Halloween’ vibes within a classy, sexy dark way…. (without being too gross, avoid live vomit..) skies limit 

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How is this an issue? Who is even saying that?

Gaga is extremely private, more mature (so won't be acting annoying on social media), and has a handle on the fame game more than she did circa ARTPOP and BTW. Whoever is worried about that is living in a different realm, under a rock etc. 

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