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Shah Rukh Khan made Gaga 'Uncomfortable'


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I remember it was on the news in the indian media, but you van clearly see that he only tried to be funny (without being funny)

see the wholr interview, there many moment where they have good conversations and seems to Enjoy it

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Isn't she just playing along with the gag? Whether that was funny or not is another story 

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Noah X

This is sad because I've been with an Indian guy once in my life and it was very hot :franminervini:

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And now she's selling watches for Tudor lmao

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I remember seeing this at the time and not knowing the context and thinking how odd it looked that he wasn't reading her body language and that he was making her uncomfortable and just keeps persisting. If you watch it without audio, it looks like scene from an old silent movie. I don't think Gaga's feelings were anything concerning but that doesn't make it ok to make someone feel that way and there's more than one way to be uncomfortable. I don't think his intentions were anything bad but the older generations really need to be made aware that you don't put your hands on someone without their permission regardless of intention.  

But for a little bit of humour, I do remember I once saw a gif of this moment that had super-imposed Katy Perry's face onto Shah Rukh's and the captioning read something like: "How do I get critical acclaim, Gaga? How do I win a Grammy?!" and Gaga was saying: "Bitch, stop!" :toofunny:

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On 7/9/2023 at 7:26 AM, MaybeKermit said:

Hmm even though she is clearly uncomfortable and he should’ve respected her boundaries, I feel like this is just normal in middle eastern/asian cultures in general.. they usualle want to make u feel at home and make it clear u can ask for ANYTHING and they’d give it. I guess since I’m middle eastern myself I dont really find it weird that he offers her his watch, it’s just a bit too forced and awkward 

Being from two different cultures myself as well I also know how some stuff comes across badly for someone else unintentionally...


Anyways he shouldn't have forced her so bad to try to take his gift...


But at the same time I don't know why ppl are digging this up from 10 years ago. Something that ultimately didn't cause lasting harm to anyone and he probably didn't mean it in a bad way it was more like misjudgment


I'm not defending him. I'm just saying I don't think the severity of this warrants making this viral again 10 years later. I think ppl need some new perspective in life of what things to get worked up about

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