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Kim Petras on DrLuke: "I have nothing to be ashamed of"


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Healed My Heart
19 hours ago, SEANGT said:

Abusers are not universal assholes.

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She/her 💗💜💙
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The essays in this thread, and for what? Kim's music is not THAT good to be writing defense theses like that. I can't. :lmao:

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Cameltoe Chariot
2 hours ago, ALGAYDO said:

I mean, can’t you see why? People have an extremely emotional response when talking about rape/abuse for a reason, for a lot of us it’s a harsh reality so seeing so many people literally support/defend rapists and abusers will obviously trigger very emotionally-pointed responses 

I can definitely understand why, and I empathize completely - but I also think extreme responses are a total stalemate and end up causing the conversation to spiral out of control.

Like... advocating for brutal murder and name calling is so counter-productive and comes across as radical, even though the topic at hand is something we can all agree with, which is rape and rapists are bad.

I say this as a survivor of sexual assault and other traumatic experiences: it is our responsibility to manage our emotions and reactions, and we can not fault other people for making us feel a certain type of way when they are expressing opinions. Otherwise we're no better than the far right.

I appreciate your respectful response though, and I hope you know I respect your opinions. I just wish everyone could actually TALK about this stuff on GGD without it spiralling into violence and bullying.


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4 hours ago, ALittleMonsta said:

I get what you're saying, but she could've just never replied to that one twitter reply "stop defending dr luke" and stayed silent. She doesn't have to reply to those tweets.

I totally agree. But, she’s also human and has had plenty of times where she has gotten emotional on social media about her career in many respects. And it’s clear that the constant tweets attacking her or interviews asking her to comment on Luke does wear her down. She responded to this one - but there are hundreds if not thousands of others that she has ignored.


I think the best answer she was ever going to be allowed to give [legally at least] was when she said this in 2018 


“While I’ve been open and honest about my positive experience with Dr. Luke, that does not negate or dismiss the experience of others or suggest that multiple perspectives cannot exist at once. I didn’t communicate this clearly in the past.”


Because it’s the absolute closest she can say to “I believe Kesha” without getting herself in major trouble. But at face value it’s understandable why people want a more concrete and definitive statement. But doing so would quite literally put Kim in a legal battle much like the one Luke has pursued against Kesha - if not worse given the implication of a public statement like that after the way the intial court case went between Kesha and Luke

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Joshie S
13 minutes ago, Dayman said:

But at face value it’s understandable why people want a more concrete and definitive statement. But doing so would quite literally put Kim in a legal battle much like the one Luke has pursued against Kesha - if not worse given the implication of a public statement like that after the way the intial court case went between Kesha and Luke

If she didn't want the legal battle she shouldn't have willingly signed with him after the allegations. Simple.

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Beyond everything
 if you aren’t capable to keep your wrong thoughts to yourself and go with whataboutism shamelessly, why jeopardize your career and public image by posting them on social media

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5 hours ago, Joshie S said:

If she didn't want the legal battle she shouldn't have willingly signed with him after the allegations. Simple.

Time frame wise her publishing deal would have to have been already happening before the full details of the case were known. The second that ink was put to paper she was linked to him. She was never actually “independent” it was always a subdivision of Luke. It’s really not that simple. And if you’re aware of Kesha’s case and the countless other artists who have ties to him than you know Luke is someone who always manipulates and controls those that are beneath him and locks them into unbreakable deals they have to try and outlast before they’re free or they can try and fight it and get buried like he did to Kesha to spite her for trying to be the one with any power or agency.

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24 minutes ago, Dayman said:

Time frame wise her publishing deal would have to have been already happening before the full details of the case were known.

she signed publishing deal with BMG in 2014 to get visa, and with Luke's Prescription Songs in 2016.

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5 hours ago, Teletubby said:

she signed publishing deal with BMG in 2014 to get visa, and with Luke's Prescription Songs in 2016.

Yeah and her and Aaron Joseph (the main reason she is linked to Luke) met in 2014. So a deal was worked out in the time frame of 2014-2016. While it was an ongoing case and before details of the case were publicly known. This is pre MeToo. We know for a fact Luke went around and was giving anyone and everyone stories on why it was “untrue” and many did believe him unfortunately because there just wasn’t the shift in culture yet. Before Kesha gave her deposition it was not uncommon to still see many people believing it was all just a way for her to get out of her contract and not claims with basis [which unfortunately extended to the court at the time too.] The man is a sociopath and master manipulator, him being able to smooth talk his way around allegations - especially before the case peaked in its details - is the least shocking thing in the world.

It just feels really wrong to try and hold artists accountable for actions of those above them in the power dynamic. It’s like if someone tried to hold employees at a store accountable for the actions of a store manager. Because the reality of it is, they’re also probably not in a good position from that person either. The people the anger needs to be focused on are those at Luke’s level and ABOVE. Like how many’s times has the name Monte Lipman - the CEO of republic records come up in the discussion of doing something about Luke? Or let’s go higher, how about CEO of UMG [who controls Republic] Lucian Grainge! Like there is no scenario where Kim makes a dent in this situation in any regard other than being the punching bag instead of Luke, Lipman or Grainge.

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3 hours ago, Dayman said:

Yeah and her and Aaron Joseph (the main reason she is linked to Luke) met in 2014. So a deal was worked out in the time frame of 2014-2016. While it was an ongoing case and before details of the case were publicly known. This is pre MeToo. We know for a fact Luke went around and was giving anyone and everyone stories on why it was “untrue” and many did believe him unfortunately because there just wasn’t the shift in culture yet. Before Kesha gave her deposition it was not uncommon to still see many people believing it was all just a way for her to get out of her contract and not claims with basis [which unfortunately extended to the court at the time too.] The man is a sociopath and master manipulator, him being able to smooth talk his way around allegations - especially before the case peaked in its details - is the least shocking thing in the world.

It just feels really wrong to try and hold artists accountable for actions of those above them in the power dynamic. It’s like if someone tried to hold employees at a store accountable for the actions of a store manager. Because the reality of it is, they’re also probably not in a good position from that person either. The people the anger needs to be focused on are those at Luke’s level and ABOVE. Like how many’s times has the name Monte Lipman - the CEO of republic records come up in the discussion of doing something about Luke? Or let’s go higher, how about CEO of UMG [who controls Republic] Lucian Grainge! Like there is no scenario where Kim makes a dent in this situation in any regard other than being the punching bag instead of Luke, Lipman or Grainge.

The sad thing is, I really think you’re wasting your breathe arguing with some users here.  They’re adamant everyone must throw away their careers, lives and face being sued into oblivion over something someone has no power or influence over.

In a perfect world, Kim and those tied to Luke like her producer could just walk away and face no repercussions but it’s clear they can’t.  That’s the simple fact of the matter, they can hate Kim and look for reasons to try and drag her down but the facts are the facts.

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