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AHS: NYC | Premieres 10.19


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13 hours ago, LaFama said:

S8 is the worst thing I've ever seen, literally trash. I can't put into words how pointless, dumb and cringy it was. The worst thing they've ever done


it pissed me off so much that I haven't given the rest a chance (was happy to see Jessica though)...

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11 hours ago, Lukas96 said:

So Dahmer wasn't enough for Ryan on that topic 

I really think he has some kind of queer trauma/punishment kink

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Said it before and I’ll say it again, if his definition of LGbTQ characters are a bunch of white hunky gay men (that he wants to **** himself), I’ll start a RIOTTTTTTTTTT

it’s just so tacky and he keeps using the same characters over and over 

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12 hours ago, Argentum said:

double feature was BIG poopoo 

somehow i finished it tho

thats the true horror story

Death Valley was ****, Red Tide was a big improvement 

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They really need to LISTEN to feedback and fix this show. Their 'innovative' way of writing as they go and rushing the ending doesn't work! They need to actually sit down and flesh out a good series for once.

Every year I hold out hope that they're going to bring it back to it's former greatness, and every year the season starts strong and the second half turns to ****.

Also... controversial take... too much fanservice is frustrating because it feels inauthentic. But that's probably just an opinion that I hold because everyone else does seem to love it.

As for every year though, I will be watching, and I'll see it right through to the end even if it annoys me :huntyga:

I'll be myself until they fūcking close the coffin.
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30 minutes ago, TimotheeChalamet said:

Death Valley was ****, Red Tide was a big improvement 

Honestly Red Tide started out SO STRONG. I was so pissed that they made it half a season just so shoehorn in a few f.ucking awful episodes of a stupid season with bad actors and awful characters. I honestly believe that if they used those last 3 episodes to finish Red Tide properly and gave it a totally different ending it would have finally been the redemption the season has needed for years. Red Tide was so good. The ending was HORRIBLE

I'll be myself until they fūcking close the coffin.
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I’ve never been so excited for a season for so long until now not gonna lie. Last season was a mess, only way to go is up after that one.

gaga, halsey, lorde, taylor, dua
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38 minutes ago, Helxig said:

Honestly Red Tide started out SO STRONG. I was so pissed that they made it half a season just so shoehorn in a few f.ucking awful episodes of a stupid season with bad actors and awful characters. I honestly believe that if they used those last 3 episodes to finish Red Tide properly and gave it a totally different ending it would have finally been the redemption the season has needed for years. Red Tide was so good. The ending was HORRIBLE

I agree 

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17 hours ago, Lady JarJar said:

this reminds me: why is everyone doing something on dahmer? i keeping seeing dahmer shows, movies, and documentaries everywhere. is this some anniversary thing? why are we celebrating a killer?

The ironic thing is Ryan's new Dahmer show makes a point to say how hurtful it is to bring this up over and over to the Victims families and how bad it is to profit of their tragedy but ends up doing exactly the same thing. 

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18 hours ago, M i K E Y said:

This. Season 8 started out so good and then… everyone died and they just  recycled S3 :fail:

Season 8 just felt like fanfic to me... It was just all the beloved characters running around doin' stuff

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17 hours ago, Lady JarJar said:

this reminds me: why is everyone doing something on dahmer? i keeping seeing dahmer shows, movies, and documentaries everywhere. is this some anniversary thing? why are we celebrating a killer?

True crime is a hot topic at the moment. Plenty of podcasts, shows, Tik Toks, etc fueling crime stories. Inventing Anna and the million other docs based on Anna Delvey, all the Theranos shows being produced, and the mass of upcoming true crime dramatizations are all a result of the hype. 

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15 hours ago, SwissMonster said:

The first part of Double Feature proved me that Ryan can still do IT. The finale of the first part and the secon part ruined it and crashed this season in my overall AHS ranking but tbh the first few episodes had Top 3 seasons potential.

Red Tide as a whole season would've been so good, but instead it got halved and we got that shtty ending instead and a long space-themed commercial :madge:

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I was such a fan of AHS until Apocalypse. I don’t think I watched the one after that but then I watched 1984 and loved it. Skipped the double feature because everyone said it was bad. This one looks interesting tho, I love New York!!

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