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Sine From Above is pure genious

David Ward

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David Ward

The word "sine" means the mathematical symbol for sound, the sine wave (which is on the album cover) is a play on sign from above (God). On a interview with Beats1 Gaga said Sine From Above is about a theory that the universe was created by a sound wave.

Gaga ingeniously integrated the theory of creation into the song:  “I heard one sine from above Then the signal split in two, the sound created stars like me and you. Before there was love, there was silence” 

Those lyrics comply with the  theory that a pre-ordinal sound wave is what ignited the whole existence of the universe as it set everything in motion, created gravity and might indeed fostered life itself. Also, about creation, Nikola Tesla also left us with the famous quote: “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” Sound is in fact a vibration that results in an acoustic wave carrying energy.

Gaga’s idea of healing through music is potentially correct as we are wonderful manifestations of energy and matter ourselves, energy could affect energy so music could change us.

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Shh we're talking about Sour Candy now

Former First Lady of the United States. Now card-carrying member of the Communist Party of China (CPC).
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Wet Fire

The SFA lyrics are gorgeous and very well written.

I feel like the lyrics have an resonance with William Wordsworth's ideas of Romanticism. Wordsworth remarks that birth is a movement away from god. Before we're born we're one with god/universe, and after being born, as we grow up, we go further away from god. ("I found myself without a prayer, I lost my love and no one cared")

SFA is an attempt to go upstream (fight against time) and unite with the universe/god even after knowing that the world is pulling us away from it.

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1 hour ago, lorekarma said:

still no Viva Voce version release in sight... 

she's wasting such a great opportunity. 

yes this is the most enigmatic thing for me. I don't really mind about the Babylon stuff but I would have love a full version for this as much as for the ARTPOP (the song) live acoustic performance she made.

hello hello baby.
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Amazing analysis! :wub:


 Gaga’s idea of healing through music is potentially correct as we are wonderful manifestations of energy and matter ourselves, energy could affect energy so music could change us.

I really think the video is still coming. Chromatica III at the end of the video, it taking place on earth, the obvious possibility of her almost dying at the end of 911 and then she see’s a Sine From Above. You can’t make this stuff up, it’s pretty obvious they’ll be doing a lot more with it. 

and as I said in another thread, maybe it’s just not the right time right now and ya know, wouldn’t it be a fitting closer to the end of this worldwide pandemic? I dunno maybe it’s just me. :enigma:


Earth = 911

Chromatica = Sour Candy

Almost dying on Earth 

Coming alive on Chromatica

Sine From Above connects them. 

Stupid Love, Rain On Me = Chromatic I

911, Sour Candy = Chromatica II

Sine From Above, ??? = Chromatica III

“The Journey continues” CHAPTERS


You can thank me later! :pawsup:

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