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Lady Gaga CD Collection Thread - Pt. 3


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ok then i won't tell anyone here that there were several Starbucks editions on ebay yesterday for 9,99 Dollar and international shipping :X

omg. im just crying right now....

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Can anyone get me a Starbucks edition C2C?!? Please  :giveup:

I think Chica is trying to get some people them on another thread about the edition but i can't find it :(

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Does every Starbucks sell CD's? There's two main Starbucks in my city, and I haven't gone to them.

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Yes, it is. Only 10 were sent to every starbucks in the US and canada

Where did you see this? i don't think that is accurate... there have been people who have bought more than 10 alone from the same starbucks lol

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Yes :)

Cool, I'm not sure if i'll be getting gone but I may go if I pass by.  Thanks :yes:

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Where did you see this? i don't think that is accurate... there have been people who have bought more than 10 alone from the same starbucks lol

I saw it on twitter, some people even said there were only 4 per store, but I'm not sure.

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I would definitely pay some kind American to ship me the Starbucks exclusive of C2C + shipping! I can't find it anywhere in Canada.


EDIT: I found it, never mind.


I would be offering to ship it out to people but I can't even find one...

Pretty sad that I live in Seattle, Starbucks headquarters, there's literally 100s of Starbucks I could drive to within an hour and I cannot find ONE that has it 

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