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Joe Germanotta supports Trump


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I would never put a political person or  belief over my child if I have one, this is unacceptable. 

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Butters Stotch
3 minutes ago, JoeMo said:

Do I agree with people who support trump? Absolutely not. I am hoping and praying for a democratic victory.

But can we really expect her Dad to agree politically with Gaga? We are all individuals and we all have different reasons what way we are going to vote.

Gaga is a passionate person and I have no doubt she will have had heated political discussions with her Dad. She even said in the video she put up - “we all know who I voted for. But even if you disagree with me your vote still matters”. 

Is it shocking that he’s voted for someone who has insulted her? Yeah... but we don’t know Joe. We don’t know the ins and outs of his relationship with Gaga. I don’t doubt for a second that if Joe didn’t have strong political beliefs he wouldn’t lean more towards blue after Trumps behaviour. But he clearly does.

We all have a right to a vote, regardless how much we might disagree. That is a democracy and we need to accept that. 


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It's been known that he's been Trump supporter before, but to be this public about it too... Trash. :madge:

Gaga must be so disappointed and maybe this is the reason she supported Biden so much. 

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1 hour ago, yxi said:

How can you support a man who publicly attack your daughter. Really gross


Voting for someone else that your daughter's candidate is OKAY

Voting for someone bashing your daughter is NOT OKAY

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Rudz Xinc

I don't care if he voted for Trump, we all know this.

But he doesn't need to let the whole world know. This seems like personal attack to Gaga.

Look at those clowns
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Head Empty
2 minutes ago, YCHofficial said:

He deleted the tweet

Gaga probably got on Zoom with him like:

threaten bryan cranston GIF by Breaking Bad

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2 hours ago, MaMaMarryTheNight said:

This. Especially if you’re resting on the success of her. Not that he’s not working, but just imagine what Gaga opened for him. „My father always wanted a restaurant“ is just one example. 

some people forget that you’re allowed to think everything you want. But why slap it in her face. Not even speaking up for his daughter at this point and basically thinking Trump is right with what he does must be so embarrassing. 

I think you are blowing this out of proportion. He may not agree with everything that trumps does or say. There are gay people voting for trump. 

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Franch Toast

He deleted all those tweets. Anyway, we all knew he was a Trump supporter, and while he's entitled to his opinion, broadcasting it on social media when his daughter is a public figure who's been bashed by Trump and his supporters wasn't the smartest choice. 

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