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How Lady Gaga resembled Gwen Stefani?

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Some of you said it, RedOne said it, her label said it, and  the media said it, but why? I wasn´t a fan of Gwen's at the time and I still don't see it

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warhol killer

Her old demos like We Are Plastic, Fancy Pants, and Retrosexual remind me of Gwen Stefani songs but I don't know what specifically.

warhol killer ✴ GAGA¹⁵
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During the fame era, Gaga's artistic identity seemed like a patchwork/mixture of every other blonde pop star out there (Xtina, Gwen, Madonna, Debbie Harry etc)  

It's like she borrowed the best of what they had artistically/visually and took it to the next level, the comparaisons are totally understandable, and Gaga played along and took advantage of it. she embodied the stereotype (in a good way),  In 2008 when she first came out , it had been years since there had been any new exciting  iconic blonde popstar 

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Her vocal inflections especially from The Fame day’s on songs like Summerboy sounded really similar to Gwen. I remember my friends back in the day saying they sounded similar. 

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She just literally doesn’t. But old school Gwen is one of my top faves so I don’t mind it. Gaga Gwen and Lana are my holy trinity :giveup:

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Smother Em Eh

She kinda resembled Gwen in some of her songs on TF and with the short blonde bob. But with TFM she officially grew into her own look, sound and aesthetic. 

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1 hour ago, rasclautmangos said:

Yop they look so similar, that hairstyle is a trademark by Gwen 


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