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Shane Dawson is back


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yikes, another over dramatized, uneededly long series that will probabaly get way too many views then it desserves? nah i'll pass.

Golden Waffles Forever
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I can't believe we have a 'youtuber' tag. :lmao:

❝Is not blue, not turquoise, not lapis. It's actually cerulean❞.
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1 hour ago, JustAnother said:

His self deterrioting jokes and overplayed character is just extremely boring to me now tbh. I’m happy for him that he’s making content he likes but he’s just not it for me anymore. 

Totally same case here; I only started watching him late 2017 and my interest in him peaked early 2018. His mannerism and how he interviews people ("omg jeffree! omg :(" "omg no way! wtf noo!") just got really annoying to me so I just stopped after the Jeffree series. Didn't help how he would nag about his fans asking for content and him accusing them of not understanding that he "works really hard" but in reality he probably tries to work all day but gets nothing done yet still says oh he worked (kind of loathe that in him cause it reminds me of me).

Edit: But its nice to see that he finally likes what he's doing and that's the ultimate goal in life so power to him.

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Delusional Aura
1 hour ago, dit said:

I like him and his videos but his brand is being diluted lately. It's too much about other ppl (youtubers) and now that it is back to him and his friend crew it is still too overproduced / over dramatic imo. I need him to do a few one on one videos of just him entertaining us like he did a couple years ago. Just to appease us old school stans of his. I like a mix of things and lately it has all been series with over dramatic music / cuts and constant "omg"s. It is working though so I guess he is on the right track but I just wish he'd give us a bit of what he used to give once in a while...

You see, he has this front-loaded viewership for these new videos, if he goes back to making food videos he isn't gonna have like 35 Million views on one video anymore. He could do it with his other channel but i don't think that what he wants since he's doing what he wants now. It's like gaga and that Joanne album she released with no bops but just he's WAYYYYY less famous. 

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He really had all the 12 and 13 year olds convinced the earth is flat after he included his creepy brother in one of the conspiracy videos. :triggered:

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4 hours ago, Bio said:

Lol no. These conspiracies are so ****ing stupid.

I mean I think they're fun
Obiously they aren't real, but they're fun to think about

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4 hours ago, Flopplause said:

his series are the most fun...especially the one where they take the plane to Texas :ladyhaha: 

You mean the time they were right in the middle of that funeral and **** was bout to get complicated? Yeah no I love those, but NOT conspiracy theories. 

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I've loved Shane for years, and I'm so proud and happy that his channel has evolved into what it's become today!

I'll be honest, the Jake Paul series just didn't cut it for me, but I do enjoy his conspiracy theories, so this should be fun!

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Ugh like we needed more from him... he can take his pig noises & melodramatic a** back to the farm.

I used to be a fan until he started acting like every single thing was going to end the world

also, 1/30??? Clearly he didn’t learn anything from the Jake Paul series...

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Ally Campana

Yasss!!! Let’s just hope he stop doing series with racists.

Does it matter? Damage is done
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I miss his old light hearted videos. He's starting to become a parody of himself.

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