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The Photoshop Game: Season 1


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3 hours ago, 053Timo said:

It feels like the image is floating

It was kind of my goal :huntyga: but thanks for the feedback:hug:

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18 hours ago, Star said:

That's my post, no? 


Are you talking about a post with no qoute?

That’s your post but it’s not posted between Tuesday 5:54 (OP post time) and Tuesday 5:59 (second post in this topic’s time) :S

If you’ve made a post anywhere on GGD between that time then I can transfer that post here, thereby giving you the spot of the second post in this topic :happy: 

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35 minutes ago, Haroon said:

That’s your post but it’s not posted between Tuesday 5:54 (OP post time) and Tuesday 5:59 (second post in this topic’s time) :S

If you’ve made a post anywhere on GGD between that time then I can transfer that post here, thereby giving you the spot of the second post in this topic :happy: 

so issa not possible then? 

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1 minute ago, Star said:

so issa not possible then? 

It is possible if you made a post on GGD between the time that the OP was posted and the time that the second post in this topic was posted 

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Sometimes the simplest move is right. I really like it. The last sentence left me intriguing, wanting to know more. But I truly feel like you could have added more and make it more Warhol-feeling. 7/10

You copy+paste the pic with least effort being used is disappointing me. You could have used some coloring, recoloring and so much more potential to make it standing different from the original picture. 2/10

The font is choice. The text placement is a choice, too. None of these impressed me, sadly. Put some more effort. 3/10

xoxo Human
Love the blending and It was really well done. I like how there is contrast with lightning between these two pictures. If it were me, I would have chosen different font color since it made it hard to read what it is being said. The cutting is bit iffy on the lighter Sarah one, especially hair. Hope you will keep improving in no time. Love the overall concept. 8.5/10

Not impressed with any of these, honestly. The cutting is poorly done. The background doesn't make sense. You could have used the original picture with some texture. The blending in second picture is actually no good. It just does not look good, HOWEVER, I do really like the concept. 2/10

A 10/10. My favorite in this round so far. Well done. Keep up with the momentum.

Very Lemonade. Only if you used the official font rather than that basic font. The picture placement could have been better however, since I am very very triggered by this. 6/10

Very vintage, I love it, My only issue is that the bottom right one has a bad cutting on hair which is very iffy to me. But overall presentation is really nice. 8.5/10

Loving this edgy vibe. Nothing more to say. 7/10

Leonardo Melim Sabatini
That was really nice but simple. Love it. I couldnt do reverse image to find out the original image so I will assume that you edit a lot in this. 8/10

You and FLorian are my favorite contestant so far in this competition.. The details in this picture. I am absolutely blown away. Can't wait to see more. 10/10, 11/10 if possible.

Unnamed Artist
This is very retro, love it. Altho the first polariod picture below looks almost like Marina for some reason. I love that blue font. I love how you include the lyrics as a sneek peek for what's coming from this artist. Well done. 9/10

Queen Of Venus
Beautiful concept but poorly executed. The red border was not needed. And you could have used different font as well as placement. 5/10

Bloody Grammys
Simple but could have done more. The introduction is just wikipedia'd which I told you all to avoid doing that. You are suppose to be introducing a "debut" artist and you are already showing what she achieved ASAP out of nowhere. That will give you some negative point. Instead of the greyscale, I feel like you could have made it more bold with red color. 6/10

Love that The Fame reference. But what I am missing is the concept of debuting a new artist since nowhere it is mentioned. And when you are debuting a new artist, you wouldn't be using the expletive words. It is all about presentation. 6/10

Sis, all these 5 scrapped porject and then this. How could you missed at the fact that it is hard to read the text? I can barely see anything at all! 8/10



Mustang :

I love your take on Swiss / Late Modern design, it is one of my favorite eras. The colors you choose are perfectly matching, and so are the fonts. I liked what you did on the Elon Musk text, and how you recovered him. Maybe it's the site's fault, but i feel like there is some quality loss, which can be tiring on the eyes. I wish that the image and images in it were crispier - like how you recolored Elon's shirt. You can see some of the original image behind it, you could've used the pen tool to get a better selection, or the hard edge brush. The artist's description is good and fitting to him, with a little bit of intrigue. 7.5/10


Charli is probably my top artist now, so congrats for picking her  I can see that you used the Focus image and moved the upper part, so you could have white space. It's not bad work, but you can see some masked off parts in the upper right corner, you probably didn't notice it. Also, please remember, that you are promoting a new artist. The mixtapes could pass, but not the collabs. The image quality is amazing. I wished you did something more, maybe recoloring or a new background with the purple blobs. 5/10


Again, not sure if it's the site you uploaded to, or the original image, but this also suffers from bad quality. I like the colors you choose, they fit together. I wish the gradient mask wasn't that harsh, and that it was more gradual. The art deco font doesn't fit, and the h isn't capitalized. You should've sticked with serif fonts. His introduction doesn't make much sense, but maybe English isn't your first language. There also some errors such as double space. 4/10

xoxo Human:

I like the background you chose, the aesthetic also. I love the pastel colors and the cloud. The cutting is good, but I wished you blended them better with the cloud and with the background - you can use color lookup or selective color (if you are using Photoshop), or maybe even a bit of desaturation to make them feel in place. There are also plenty of colorings online. I love the font and typography, but it can be a little hard to read. Also please remember, you are debuting your artist! Free projects and talent shows are okay, but the #1 single doesn't really fit. 6/10


I love your background story and introduction, it is very believable. The images you chose also fit right in. Maybe you are new to editing and graphic design, so don't take it to heart! I can see that you found the background on a stock website. The colors don't really match, but it fits with the child-star theme. Cutting can be hard, but you cleverly used feathering to your advantage. The second pic you chose can be hard for a beginner, especially since it's in black and white. You could've put it in a circle or similar. The font isn't something I particularly like, but it fits with theme. You could've added some effect on it - nothing big though. There are great fonts on behance, if you need some. The image quality is amazing. Keep up the work! Don't let the score discourage you!  3/10


Hey Flo  Amazing work, to sum it up at the start. I love the background and the neon / petGa theme. The colors match perfectly, and so do the images. You probably did the Gaga and face details by a drawing tablet, kudos! To me, they are the best part. The introduction is good, like how you made her an indie artist. 9.5/10


I love your choice of images and the placing. Reminds me a lot of post-modern designs. I wish the images were crisper / sharper, but I know finding HQ stills can be hard. I think that a bit of Smart Sharpen would've solved that. The typography is good, but the Beyonce text feels out of place. And again, please remember. You are debuting an artist. Previous work such as groups and mixtapes are okay, but albums and such aren't. 6/10


Love your choice of design, old and new as you said. The images are of great quality, and fit with the colors. I love the half-tone / polka-dot pattern you did around Marilyn, very creative. I get the idea of the Marilyn Monroe font, but I feel like there are better Hollywood fonts. The typography is amazing, especially with highlighting the words. I feel like the letter spacing is a bit dense in some part, such as in "although" or "after".  Love the introduction, no complaints there. 8.5/10


Looks like Swiss design is popular. The colors are amazing, and the effect you did around Halsey. The image suffered a bit on the quality side, or it might be my eyes or computer. The introduction is good. 8/10

Leonardo Melim Sabatini:

Love your concept, I also love Allie X. I love the background and the typography. The mercury-like blobs remind me the PC Music aesthetic. The image you chose for Allie is amazing. But please, remember that you are debuting someone new, so you shouldn't have used CollXtion I. I love the introduction, very cleverly written. 9/10


Love this, that's all I have to say. No complaints, but please remember that you are debuting a new artist, so the Madonna album and it's cover don't exist. If you made the background, I would be even more amazed. 10/10


I love the home-made, nostalgia feeling of this image. Very creative. The polaroids are amazing. The colors fit with theme, and you did the composition amazingly. But please remember, you are debuting a new artist! Nevada doesn't exist. 9/10

Queen of Venus:

Ah, the blue lips queen. I like your idea behind it and the photoshoot you chose.The colors don't really match in the first two, but that's because the images have many shadows. It feels more dark than light. The yellow color isn't that contrasting, you should've used something even more brighter and yellow. The font is fitting, but I feel like sans serif would've worked better. The motion blur / wind effect - you should've toned it down a bit. 7/10

Bloody Grammys:

I love the overall design - clean, with a bit of gradients, and neutral colors. The font fits very well into the aesthetic. The text could've been better. The order of words isn't proper, and some sentences should've been full and alone. I think you are referring to an album when you said Its, but you never mentioned it. Also, remember that you are debuting a singer! Past albums and accolades don't make sense. 8/10


You never fail to amaze me with your cats. Your compositing is amazing, as always. You should've set the light focus around the cat's ears as well, or blended it better. The quotes and introduction are amazing and hilarious, but please remember that you are debuting a singer, so you should mention that! 6/10


I love how sharp the image is, the image quality is amazing. The colors are perfect, the green that stands out - love it. I like the image placement. The typography is good, but it's hard to read sadly. White on white, it kills a design. Also, please remember, you are debuting an artist! TFJ doesn't exist. 7/10




 @Mustang - Elon Musk

I like the overall look, it isn't too "creative" but it's a nice layout. The color combination purple/orange is a great fit.

Rating: 7.5/10

Font choice/Readability:
Your title is great, your body text is good readable thanks to the perfect chosen line-height. It is a bit blurry/pixellated unfortunately, same applies to your image. I like the "beyond Mars" sentence 

Rating: 8/10

Professionalism/Technical knowledge/Difficulty:
I think there is space to grow here. The texture in the jacked is completely gone and the black line around the jacked shouldn't be there. Try to use different blending mode options or even better try the hue/saturation option in Photoshop in combination with layer masks.

Rating: 6/10

Does it fit the purpose?:
This is harder for me to judge because you had to come up with a concept for him as an artist since he isn't one. I think I expected a bit more the fast cars/futuristic feeling. The "crazy" part of his personality is there tho :P

Rating: 7/10

Final score: 7/10


@xokuba - Charli XCX

I can't credit you too much for the creativity because technically seen it's just an image and some text.

Rating: 5.5/10

Font choice/Readability:
I like your title, I've seen others who didn't include a clear visible name so good job for that! The body text is way too small which makes it hard to read. Also you should improve the characters per line. The optimal line length for a body text is considered to be 50-60 characters per line, including spaces. 

Rating: 6.5/10

Professionalism/Technical knowledge/Difficulty:
I like the look but as told before you haven't done that much yourself, but it looks professional!

Rating: 6/10

Does it fit the purpose?:
I can see this representing Charli but nothing too special.

Rating: 6.5/10

Final score: 6.1/10


@highlikegaga - Kendrick Lamar

It's a bit simple, I like the little glow over the picture so it matches better with the purple background.

Rating: 6/10

Font choice/Readability:
Your text is a bit hard to read because you've broken lines and too little whitespace on both sides. If you had on each side half an inch of whitespace it would improve the readability and overall look immensely.

Rating: 6/10

Professionalism/Technical knowledge/Difficulty:
I can see you are not that experienced with design and/or Photoshop. Try to watch a few YouTube tutorial videos, I think it will help you improve your skills.

Rating: 5.5/10

Does it fit the purpose?:
This doesn't scream Kendrick Lamar to me. He is a very creative guy with great visuals, I'd like to see that a bit more in your design.

Rating: 6/10

Final score: 5.9/10


@xoxo Human - Sarah Paulson

I like the concept, you used different images to make your design; it's nice.

Rating: 7.5/10

Font choice/Readability:
Your title is good readable, the body text not so much. White on white is hard to read

Rating: 6/10

Professionalism/Technical knowledge/Difficulty:
I can see you tried and did your best but I think there are a few things to improve. The lightning in the two images are too different in my opinion, personally I wouldn't use them together. There is missing some parts of her hair on the right image, cutting out images is one of the hardes thing to do, so kudos for trying! Maybe follow some tutorials on how to improve this (for example: a refine selection tutorial)

Rating: 7/10

Does it fit the purpose?:
On the pictures she looks a bit angry which, in my opinion, doesn't reflect her as a person. I would've lighten the cloud, this is too gray and looks like there is thunder coming. But your use of the color white (color of innocence) and the flowers balance the other two points of critique.

Rating: 7.5/10

Final score: 7.1/10


@Dunk96 - Janet Jackson

Not a big fan of the colors used but I think it's cute.

Rating: 7/10

Font choice/Readability:
The title on the first image is too difficult to read, same applies to your body text in the second image. Try tho use a sans serif of a serif font for your body text the next time. I would also decrease the characters on a line to improve the readability. The optimal line length for a body text is considered to be 50-60 characters per line, including spaces. 

Rating: 5.5/10

Professionalism/Technical knowledge/Difficulty:
I think you did your best but there is space for growth here. Try to follow a tutorial on how to cut images out better. For example with the "refine selection" function.

Rating: 6/10

Does it fit the purpose?:
The colors and pattern you used are a solid choice for a kids project, so that's fine.

Rating: 7/10

Final score: 6.5/10


@Florian - Lady Gaga

Great look, nice combination of colors, the layout works well. Good job!

Rating: 9/10

Font choice/Readability:
Very solid. Personally I would've increased the line-heigh a bit on the body text so it improves the readability. And although I like the way you made "Gaga" I wouldn't have put it behind a photo of her and I would've added "Lady". This is a promotional challenge for a new artist, in my opinion the name of the artist should be very clear.

Rating: 7.5/10

Professionalism/Technical knowledge/Difficulty:
I like the different techniques you used. 

Rating: 8.5/10

Does it fit the purpose?:
To me Gaga is crazy, different, elegant and futuristic at the same time. I think you did a pretty great job to include that in one "image".

Rating: 8.5/10

Final score: 8.5/10


@Kween - Beyoncé

Not too special but I like your layouting skills. Because not everything is placed in the same line you get a nice dynamic image/poster.

Rating: 7/10

Font choice/Readability:
Solid. I would've increased the line-height a bit so it's better readable.

Rating: 7.5/10

Professionalism/Technical knowledge/Difficulty:
It isn't too difficult, maybe you could challenge yourself a bit more the next round. And try to look at whitespace use the next time, especially above "Beyoncé".

Rating: 7/10

Does it fit the purpose?:
I like the background image you used for the sphere. It also screams sexy and proud black woman which I think is Beyoncé. But she is also a great dancer, a very creative woman who outdoes herself with every performance, that aspect should've been highlighted a bit more in my opinion.

Rating: 7.5/10

Final score: 7.2/10


@Oriane - Marilyn Monroe

Personally I'm not a big fan of the white boxes but the overall look is great in my opinion. I get the Marilyn vibe which is the challenge this round. The dotted pattern around Marilyn works really well!

Rating: 7.5/10

Font choice/Readability:
Solid work here. I like the red highlighted words, that works really well for a promotional picture. You've a clear title and the body text is good readable and has a nice line-height. My only concern is the inconsistency, the text in the first four boxes is aligned to the left and the last one is centered. 

Rating: 8/10

Professionalism/Technical knowledge/Difficulty:
You cut out images, kudos for doing that since it's really really difficult to do. I think there is space to improve here, especially with the image right in the bottom; the black in her hair shouldn't be there! Try to watch some YouTube tutorial videos on how to cut out an item from an image, for example with the "refine selection" function. Also try to equal the space between different boxes the next time. There's more space between the third and the fourth text boxes than the other ones.

Rating: 6.5/10

Does it fit the purpose?:
I think your design stands out in "fitting the purpose". I like the colors, images and fonts you used. They compliment each other with a great result. Good job!

Rating: 8/10

Final score: 7.4/10


@Vojta - Halsey

Really cool effect you used on the images. I like the colors you used and I also want to give you credits on how you positioned all the different objects, the way you did it makes is very dynamic!

Rating: 8.5/10

Font choice/Readability:
A bit basic but nothing too bad. Personally I would've increased the font-size for the title a bit. The title is one of the most important aspects in a promotional image and in your design it feels a bit pushed to the background. The font you used for the body text is okay, maybe increase the line-height a bit to improve it's readability.

Rating: 7/10

Professionalism/Technical knowledge/Difficulty:
It's executed very well, try to look at using whitespace a bit better the next round. The upper 50% of your design is way heavier than the other half, this should be in balance.

Rating: 7.5/10

Does it fit the purpose?:
I don't know Halsey that well but she seems like a rebel to me and I think you executed that part very well. Maybe a little more personality in your next design. Overall great job!

Rating: 7.5/10

Final score: 7.7/10


@Leonardo Melim Sabatini - Allie X

Great design, I really like it! 

Rating: 8.5/10

Font choice/Readability:
Overall great job on this. A big bold title, a small -good readable- body text, nice! Maybe increase the line-height a little bit the next time. The only flaw that catches my eyes is the kerning. Try to improve that the next time. Especially your text in the right corner. The space between A and V and V and A in "available" is really off. Also the "T" in "Debut" is off, should've been a few pixels up.

Rating: 7.5/10

Professionalism/Technical knowledge/Difficulty:
You did a great job in cutting the image out, it looks really professional the only thing I am missing is the shadowing. It feels like the image is floating, I don't like that...

Rating: 8/10

Does it fit the purpose?:
I've never heard of Allie X but it does draw my attention and that is what this challenge is all about!

Rating: 8.5/10

Final score: 8.2/10


@Alecyon - Madonna

Wow! I love everything about it. Really really great job!

Rating: 9.5/10

Font choice/Readability:
Helvetica is always a solid choice. I love all the effects, your body text a good readable. Good job here too!

Rating: 8.5/10

Professionalism/Technical knowledge/Difficulty:
You've used a couple techniques, everything fits and compliments each other a really cool and effective design. The only thing that bothers me is alignment. Madonna isn't centered well same goes for the car. Try to improve that the next time.

Rating: 9/10

Does it fit the purpose?:
I get a futuristic/retro feeling and I think that can apply to Madonna. But I would've liked to see her extravagant/outgoing persona a bit more in your design. 

Rating: 8.5/10

Final score: 8.9/10


@UnnamedArtist - Lana Del Rey

Nice concept, executed pretty well. Good job on that!

Rating: 8/10

Font choice/Readability:
I think it's kinda hard to read. It fits the concept etcetera but readability is important too. And since this is a new artist that you like to promote with this design I would've used a large title with "LANA DEL REY" instead of her real name.

Rating: 6.5/10

Professionalism/Technical knowledge/Difficulty:
As said before, nice concept, executed well but there are some things I would've done differently. Since she is a new artist, and people don't know how she looks right now I would've placed her photos in a more visible way. In the images on the bottom almost half her face is covered. And I think you should look at your use of shadows. All your items have different lightning points.

Rating: 7/10

Does it fit the purpose?:
I can see why you did it the way you did but I would've liked to see this concept in a bit more modern way. This looks like it comes straight out of the 50's.

Rating: 7/10

Final score: 7.2/10


@Queen of Venus - Tove Lo

Not a big fan of the concept but it's okay...

Rating: 6.5/10

Font choice/Readability:
The effect you used on her name works. It does not with the title "Pushing Pop To It's Climax" because that font is too small for this effect, because of that it becomes harder to read. Your body text is also a bit hard to read because the background image is very heavy. Maybe if you used a darker gradient this would've improved. 

Rating: 6/10

Professionalism/Technical knowledge/Difficulty:
It looks fun but I don't see this being used in real life. In the third image you placed the text over her face, this is really a no-go. Never place text over your main object or a face, there are of course some exceptions but they are very rare. Try to look at some other contestants and their feedback to improve your skills.

Rating: 6/10

Does it fit the purpose?:
I don't know Tove Lo that good, but I don't get that indie songwriter vibe. More like a wanna be pop girl. So to me this design doesn't sell the artist.

Rating: 5.5/10

Final score: 6/10


@Bloody Grammys - Rihanna

It isn't too special but overall a very solid job!

Rating: 7.5/10

Font choice/Readability:
A clear heading and a good readable body text. Decent work here. Personally I would've used a bit more outspoken font for the title since Rihanna is rebel-ish and this is a bit brave in my opinion.

Rating: 7.5/10

Professionalism/Technical knowledge/Difficulty:
I like the triangle in the right picture (picture-in-picture) that works well. Try to expand your borders a bit the next round.

Rating: 7.5/10

Does it fit the purpose?:
It's a bit brave in my opinion as said before. When I think of Rihanna I see a bad ass chick that tries to do new things every new era, I don't get that "rebel" feeling enough...

Rating: 7/10

Final score: 7.4/10


@FATCAT - Lil Bub

Nothing too special in my opinion.

Rating: 6.5/10

Font choice/Readability:
I like how you used Lil Bub's logo as title. I don't like the text effects you applied on the quotes. Your body text could've been better the font is in my opinion too condensed.

Rating: 6/10

Professionalism/Technical knowledge/Difficulty:
You blended the "The Fame" glasses very well with the other picture but other than that I can't see techniques you used.

Rating: 6.5/10

Does it fit the purpose?:
It doesn't sell me as a potential listener. It's too over the place. This challenge is harder for you than for others because you had to come up with a concept for him as an artist, kudos for trying.

Rating: 6.5/10

Final score: 6.4/10


@Lucas - Marina (and the Diamonds)

I love the layout, how you aligned all the different elements.

Rating: 7.5/10

Font choice/Readability:
Oh boy, why! How could you use white text and a white background? I can't read it all even if I do my best. Also why did you place a white diamond underneath a white text? The word "mixes" is hard to read right now. Sorry man!

Rating: 3/10

Professionalism/Technical knowledge/Difficulty:
I like how it looks but to be honest, it is not very much more than placing three images on a canvas. Good job on adding the diamond and cutting them out (I guess).

Rating: 6.5/10

Does it fit the purpose?:
To me it fits it purpose, I get the same feeling from your design as I get from Marina's videos. If I wouldn't know her I and I will see this images I can imagine people will give her a try and listen to her music, so great job!

Rating: 8/10

Final score: 6.7/10




Concept – 4,5/5

Execution – 4/5

Total – 8,5/10

Comments: I really liked your entry and conceptually it does a great job of showing that “tech genius goes pop” vibe. I’d just recommend paying a bit more attention to detail next time, because the edges on the color layers on top of Elon’s image don’t look very crisp and don’t seem to be covering the whole thing. But overall, it’s well done.


Concept – 3,5/5

Execution - 4/5

Total – 7,5/10

Comments: This is well done, my biggest critique would’ve been that maybe the idea was a bit too simple and is too close to the actual single cover.


Concept – 3/5

Execution – 3/5

Total – 6/10

Comments: My biggest critique for your entry would be that it’s just the image with text underneath, and it looks kind of unpolished. I think that with a different font for the title at least and making the description slightly smaller and justified, the edit would’ve looked more refined.

Xoxo Human:

Concept – 4/5

Execution – 4/5

Total - 8/10

Comments: I think this looks pretty good, and I like the softer, floral concept. The main thing I would’ve changed is the font color for the profile, because it can be a bit hard to read over a light/textured background.


Concept – 3,5/5

Execution - 3/5

Total – 6,5/10

Comments: I liked the story behind it, but my tip would be to pay more attention to detail, especially when it comes to cutting the image (I’d recommend the Pen Tool on OS for that), and things like the background image (it has a reasonably noticeable watermark). I would have picked maybe a more “formal” font for the description itself so it can be easier to read.


Concept – 5/5

Execution - 5/5

Total – 10/10

Comments: Wig. Actually don’t have any significant remarks about it, it looks pretty professional, and very in line with Gaga’s recent aesthetic!


Concept – 3/5

Execution - 4/5

Total – 7/10

Comments: Also don’t have many remarks about it, it’s a good match to Beyoncé’s current aesthetic. My biggest critique would be that it kinda misses the part of painting your character as a “debuting artist”.


Concept – 4/5

Execution – 3,5/5

Total – 7,5/10

Comments: Loved the idea behind it, and you made some great stylistic choices to represent that 50’s pin-up/comic book-esque style.


Concept – 4/5

Execution - 5/5

Total – 9/10

Comments: Even though it’s a simple image in terms of concept, this definitely looks very good and contemporary. Loved the phantom-esque effect on top of the images.

Leonardo Melim Sabatini:

Concept – 3,5/5

Execution - 4/5

Total – 7,5/10

Comments: My biggest critique would be that it looks a bit like a regular poster, I would’ve liked to see the text as a more prominent feature. But overall it loosk good and I liked the use of the textures!


Concept – 5/5

Execution - 5/5

Total – 10/10

Comments: Absolutely loved your edit, you really nailed the 80’s aesthetic and it (obviously) matches your character very well. I don’t think I would’ve changed anything, to be honest.

Unnamed Artist:

Concept – 5/5

Execution - 5/5

Total – 10/10

Comments: I absolutely love the concept for the image itself, and it fits perfectly with Lana’s pre-BTD persona. You also did a pretty good job on the execution in terms of arranging all the elements in a way that makes sense and isn’t messy.

Queen of Venus:

Concept – 3/5

Execution – 3/5

Total – 6/10

Comments: I think that you have a nice idea of what you want the artist to be, but the image itself is just waaaay too simple, it’s really just the original image with a border and the text.

Bloody Grammys:

Concept – 3,5/5

Execution – 4/5

Total – 7,5/10

Comments: Overall this is very solid, I’d have liked to see a more creative typography for the artist’s name to make it stand out and counter-balance the rest of the edit which is on the simpler side.


Concept – 4,0/5

Execution – 4,0/5

Total – 8/10

Comments: I love how humorous it is and the idea of putting recommendation “quotes”. I kinda wish the cat would’ve been a biiit more highlighted though.


Concept – 3,5/5

Execution - 3/5

Total – 7,5/10

Comments: The actual Idea is nice, but putting the white font over the white background is what took most of the execution points. I also would’ve liked if you has used Drop Shadow in some áreas of the image to make it look a bit less flat, but it’s not a huge issue or anything.


Overall Score:


Alecyon 38.9

Florian 38

Unnamed Artist 35.2

Leonardo Melin Sabatini 32.7

Oriane 31.9

Vojta 31.7

Mustang 30

xoxo human 29.6

Lucas 29.2

Bloody Grammys 28.9


Kween 26.2

Queen Of Venus 24

xoxokuba 20.6

highlikegaga 18.9

dunk96 18


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When everyone has done the fgreat, it is great sad to bring the news that someone has to get eliminated. The one who is getting eliminated due to the lowest score is




Congrats, y'all are saved! Due to the participants dropping out of the starting game, it is intended that no one will be removed from the first round. Do your best in second result that will be posted soon.


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@Star @Sunny @PopReaper @053Timo Thank you for your comments and the advice, it's really helpful !

I have some additional information to give about the pictures I used. I was very busy last week and didn't have a lot of time to work on this project, so I directly downloaded all pictures as transparent, except the one on the right which just had a black background. I knew the quality for this one was not great and there was still some black around but I preferred to spend time with the design.

@Star Does it have to work with eliminations ? Can't we all participate in all rounds until the end, and then the participant with the most points overall wins the game ? I think it would be more constructive this way, because the point of this game is for everyone to make progress, so if we eliminate the less skilled at the beginning, it wouldn't be very helpful.

You popped my heart seams, all my bubble dreams
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58 minutes ago, Oriane said:

@Star Does it have to work with eliminations ? Can't we all participate in all rounds until the end, and then the participant with the most points overall wins the game ? I think it would be more constructive this way, because the point of this game is for everyone to make progress, so if we eliminate the less skilled at the beginning, it wouldn't be very helpful.

This is actually amazing idea because we can challenge ourselves with new tasks and learn from more experienced (the judges) where do we make mistakes and how to make our work better.

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bloody g

Oh we getting eliminated? Let the war begin :vegas:

『𝐟𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐛𝐞 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐝』
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Congrats and thanks to everyone, and the judges for the constructive critique!

@Star when's the next task going to be announced? 

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Yaaaaaaaas MADONNA  :vegas:

Thanks for all the critics, i'm so happy that you guys appreciate my art!

see you all in the next challenge...


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