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That one time I lost some respect for Adele


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GGD is the one of the only sites that can over analyze and make positive things negative just for the fun of it. Lmao I miss 2011-2013 on this siteĀ 

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1 hour ago, nicolasrumet said:

Think of it this way, you grow up listening to Gaga. You become an artist. Gaga makes the album of her career. You're nominated in the same category with her. People expect her to win AoTY. You win over her. You seriously think that you won't say anything about Gaga when you unexpectedly win?

Give me a break, you'll most likely doĀ lol! If you don't then you're probably not a true fan. She said she grew up listening to BeyoncĆ©.

Sam Smith can't relateĀ :ladyhaha:

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13 minutes ago, Eddie A Michael said:

So you rather she starts calling herself Queen?Ā 

Not at all, Iā€™m just saying she didnā€™t have to make such a big scene, maybe just a small thank you wouldā€™ve been betterĀ 

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5 hours ago, KingRedd said:

GGD is the one of the only sites that can over analyze and make positive things negative just for the fun of it. Lmao I miss 2011-2013 on this siteĀ 

I was just giving an opinion. Sorry šŸ˜Ā 

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13 minutes ago, Akiki said:

I hated when she did the tribute to George Michael. That emotional breakdown was so fake

Just like the crying on this speech, it looked forced and a bit fake. But then I wouldnā€™t really knowĀ 

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6 hours ago, KingRedd said:

GGD is the one of the only sites that can over analyze and make positive things negative just for the fun of it. Lmao I miss 2011-2013 on this siteĀ 

This and the ones encouraging this thread and saying how pathetic Adele is for showig she is human like us are asŔholes...this is the worst

What if tomorrow I see you again? Should I say that I used to love you?
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Pathetic? I think she was just giving her own assessment of her music vs Lemonade. She felt that Lemonade was more worthy to be album of the year. Frankly, I agree with her and not just because I liked it more, but because the Grammy's are a popularity contest anyway and BeyoncƩ far and away had the most social conversation surrounding an album that year. Honestly, I don't think Adele thinks too much of 25. It was an album she had to made and kind of struggled to the finish line and is proud of the work, but I don't think she sees it as being particularly important whereas she *does* see Lemonade that way (as being important because it caused conversation). So idk why you'd lose respect for her. If anything, I think it takes a great deal of character to accept the highest honor a musician can achieve and go, "I don't deserve this award. This is wrong." and lift up another artist in the process. I got even more respect for her following that. That was super big of her and how overwhelming must that all be. You're happy you won, you don't think you deserve it, you get the balls to say so and this is all happening live in front of millions of people. Again, massive props to her for not completely melting.

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2 hours ago, Kimmo said:

I was just giving an opinion. Sorry šŸ˜Ā 

No donā€™t be sorry itā€™s your opinion lol donā€™t take me too serious. Iā€™m just saying lately everything has been negative. I miss when this site was more fun and interesting.Ā 

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I totally agree. I thought it was such a cringey display. What grown woman with a husband and a child says to another woman who's only about a decade older than her: "I want you to be my mummy"?! When my mum heard this, she said "For Gods sake, have some respect for your mother!" Whether it was genuine or an attempt to buffer any negativity that might come her way because of winning over Beyonce, it was uncomfortable for sure. I find that, ironically, such displays of gushing is more about fulfilling the ego of the person doing it rather than the person it's directed towards. It's says "Look at me, aren't I a nice person being so complimentary to someone else instead of bigging myself up?" Thing is, this wasn't even the first time this "offering a Grammy to Beyonce" idea was done. Just 2 years before, Sam Smith was due to go his first Grammys and when asked in an interview what he'd do if he won, he said he'd think he wasn't deserving and would give it to Beyonce instead. That made me want to throw up. It's like, have some pride in your work. And that kind of gesture hardly ever actually happens either, so don't say it if you can't stick to your word. Faux humility is so annoying. If you set out to pursue a major label contract, you clearly think your work is good enough, so don't go around saying that other artists are more deserving than you. I'm sick of Beyonce being made out to be this goddess who deserves all the praise, leaving none for anyone else. She is the second most awarded woman of all time, she doesn't need your Grammys or your pity. And make no mistake, that is exactly how the object of your affections feels in this situation. Like a charity case, something to be pitied. No thanks, I want to earn my awards based on my own merit or else it's meaningless. So, anyone else who wants to gush like this in public: please don't. It makes you look pathetic and like you have no faith in your own abilities. And if you don't, how do you expect anyone else to either?

And by the way, it blows my mind how women can embarrass themselves like this when completely sober. And I say that as a woman and feminist. Ladies, stop with these ridiculous acceptance speeches. They make you look weak and foolish.

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People came down on her enough over her describingĀ her friends using the word ā€œblackā€ & now you gotta come down on her for this? Are you serious? Bye

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