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Shawn Mendes comes out in song!


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4 minutes ago, hoebitch11 said:

that could just be...

talking about a girl who fell for men?


First half of chorus could be talking about him, second half about her, she used to fall for men that weren't what they appeared, but now they are both together :emma:

Media will run with this though.

(Hope its true though just to put all of the think pieces to rest :air: )

私自身もこの世の中も誰もかれもが, どんなに華やかな人生でも, どんなに悲惨な人生でも, いつかは変貌し, 破壊され、消滅してしまう. すべてがもともとこの世に存在しない一瞬の幻想なのだから
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Uhm y'all need to calm down. You know how Gaga was singing in Taylor's point of view for the whole bridge of Gypsy, as a MAN? 

This could be the same exact thing. :rip:

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3 minutes ago, Robo Ga said:



2 minutes ago, daddybunny said:

Wait how reliable is this though 

It is! apparently the song even leaked with those exact lyrics. I'm still a little shook tbh. I wonder if he will just officially release the song or if he will also attach like a note / tweet / letter with it or something like a statement. idk we shall see I guess :O 

however like others said maybe it is a different context? Tho idk if he would toy with that because he was insecure about ppl saying he is gay so he would probably avoid that narrative at all coasts so this is why I'm thinking he is singing it as it is written with his own perspective. We shall know 100% on friday tho! 

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Thomas P

I don’t believe it yet, but if it is announced to be true then I have this to say:

I make a lot of jokes, but I’m actually really happy for him. We all know it can be hard, but his situation makes it so much harder. He has girls dreaming tic be with him, and him doing this is so incredibly brave and inspiring. 

I’m a simple guy to please, if you like Melodrama, we chill.
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Wolf Boy

Yall realize that line is sung from the perspective of the girl hes singing about right lol

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can someone PM me the song? I dont actually believe this at all until I 1. hear the song and 2. he states it

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10 minutes ago, Sharyu said:

And then he offically comes out Friday:excited2:

With this I'm guessing it's a feature thus:

Shawn sings

You are bringing out a different kind of me

There's no safety net that's underneath, I'm free

Falling all in you

Julia Michael continues

Fell for MEN who weren't how they appear

Trapped up on a tightrope now we're here, we're free

Falling all in you

Key being "we're" as in someone else joins the chorus/verse/whatever

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Wait, he may be referring the girl "Fell for men who weren't how they appear"


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He's talking about how a girl fell in love with men who weren't what they appeared, but he's not that kind of man. I think? 

His fanbase is mostly girls so this is gonna be quite... Interesting.

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when i listen to the song, it sounds like he's saying "you fell for men who weren't how they appear" ... calm down hunties, i think this is a false alarm 

don't ask me how or why
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Robo Ga
2 minutes ago, Chuckles said:

With this I'm guessing it's a feature thus:

Shawn sings

You are bringing out a different kind of me

There's no safety net that's underneath, I'm free

Falling all in you

Julia Michael continues

Fell for MEN who weren't how they appear

Trapped up on a tightrope now we're here, we're free

Falling all in you

Key being "we're" as in someone else joins the chorus/verse/whatever

No I think Julia Michaels helped to write 'Nervous,' not the leaked song 

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