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Suicide Groups: New Lady Gaga song sets bad example


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The song is clearly written two ways, obviously Princess Diana, but then the whole suicide section is, I'm assuming, Gaga's personal experiences. She's written about d--gs, alcohol, s-x, death, being yourself, etc. So if she wants to write a song about her battle with depression and the way she felt, maybe even causing her to think about suicide...Let her. It could even show those who feel like they want to commit suicide that you can overcome it, because your favourite pop star Lady Gaga went through what you did!

Some people need to dive deeper into the lyrics of the song before voicing their opinions about it. :nails:

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Bands have been sued before because parents felt that their children were driven to suicide by heavy metal music. Of course the parents would be looking for someone else to blame to take some of the guilt off themselves. Having said that, I do think that stars (from whatever medium) do have an affect on certain vulnerable people. These people latch on to something like this, and the next thing you know, they use it as a blue print for their own suicide.

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Lol, that was expected :P

Someone should teach these "groups" a lesson to leave Gaga alone.

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The song is clearly written two ways, obviously Princess Diana, but then the whole suicide section is, I'm assuming, Gaga's personal experiences. She's written about d--gs, alcohol, s-x, death, being yourself, etc. So if she wants to write a song about her battle with depression and the way she felt, maybe even causing her to think about suicide...Let her. It could even show those who feel like they want to commit suicide that you can overcome it, because your favourite pop star Lady Gaga went through what you did!

Some people need to dive deeper into the lyrics of the song before voicing their opinions about it. :nails:

The point is that most people will take this song at face value. And another thing...... With art, music poetry...the artist puts their work out there and many of them like the fact that people will interpret their work in a way that is meaningful to them. What a song means to me and what it means to you might be two totally different things -- and eons away from what the artist was thinking.

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The point is that most people will take this song at face value. And another thing...... With art, music poetry...the artist puts their work out there and many of them like the fact that people will interpret their work in a way that is meaningful to them. What a song means to me and what it means to you might be two totally different things -- and eons away from what the artist was thinking.

That's not at all what I'm saying. It's clear that she's not saying, "ya'll should take pills and write a note, cause you can't cope, etc." She's telling a narrative. Like someone said earlier, did anyone go shoot their boyfriends because they listened to Rihanna's "Man Down?" Not that I've heard of. There's a million other songs that talk about suicide, murder, rape, etc. And no one goes out and commits those acts because some pop singer sung about it.

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Not everybody thinks like you and I. Especially youth, it's important to remember that.

EDIT:It's obviously not "The song" that is going to lead them to make the final decision... that's not the problem.

Well, yes, I do see their point. :)

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I actually kinda agree with the critics. I think this song does in fact make suicide look glamorous and that it was a blatant bad decision on her part to release a song like this consider her impressionable fanbase.

Besides that, I don't like the song for what it is anyways.

I'm disappointed. I hope Princess Die goes in the vault.

This song actually shows the lonlieness of suicide and the darkness that a human feels when they think of it. In no way does this promote suicide.

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Funny they say nothing about Rihanna's "Man Down"

Also, the song is about the perils of fame SUC as suicide, it's not encouraging people to commit suicide.

I know right, this is complete bull****.

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Okay...I know she's a role model, but people are always b---hing about these types of things. I didn't even read it. But I read the title and that should be enough.

She's an adult and an artist. She should be able to write and sing about whatever her heart desires. She can't babysit the world all the time. We're supposed to be smart, individuals.

although it does contradict her whole "BTW" message (but that's what Gaga does best)

I'm all for artistic expression. If Gaga wants to write and sing about dark stuff - I say bring it. Write about whatever you want to write about.

Not necessarily, it really depends on how you interpret the song. I see it as a song discussing how the media always wants to see the worst in celebrities (Princess Die, we want to see her cry), and how the media chase celebrities to their death. (Literally, in Diana's case). Gaga is just expressing her deepest feelings as an artist and saying that she fears dying tragically like Princess Di, Marilyn Monroe etc. You can still be born this way while feeling sad or hopeless sometimes. We're all human, we all have our ups and downs.

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It seems that right now, everywhere I look, people are missing the point. I don't think these groups are looking into the song enough and judge it on a purely superficial level and that's sad. Plus, teens are smarter than they realise: give them some credit. If they think suicide is caused by a song, they have no understanding of suicide. When you consider how all these emo bands sing about suicide and depression on every album and their albums are full of songs like that, you'd think suicide groups wouldn't get their panties in a bunch over one song about suicide from an artist who never talks about such a thing. Is that the point we've reached? Can a pop artist not sing a deep song that has meaning far beyond surface?

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I actually kinda agree with the critics. I think this song does in fact make suicide look glamorous and that it was a blatant bad decision on her part to release a song like this consider her impressionable fanbase.

Besides that, I don't like the song for what it is anyways.

I'm disappointed. I hope Princess Die goes in the vault.

I dont think any of her fans will kill themselves over this song... unless you think the majority of our tweens and teens fanbase are really that stupid?

I'll ask the younger fans this... did anyone wanted to be a Government hooker / hooker after hearing that song?

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That's not at all what I'm saying. It's clear that she's not saying, "ya'll should take pills and write a note, cause you can't cope, etc." She's telling a narrative. Like someone said earlier, did anyone go shoot their boyfriends because they listened to Rihanna's "Man Down?" Not that I've heard of. There's a million other songs that talk about suicide, murder, rape, etc. And no one goes out and commits those acts because some pop singer sung about it.

No, she's saying she'll take pills, and die with you, and the weak and despondent listen to this and get the wrong idea. I could give you chapter and verse of crimes / suicides committed because people thought the artist was sending them a message in song. The most infamous example is Charles Manson and his family killing because Charlie thought he was getting a message from the Beatles' Helter Skelter. If you read those lyrics, there's nothing in them that would make any normal person think about killing. The operative word in that sentence being "normal".

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..........I'll ask the younger fans this... did anyone wanted to be a Government hooker / hooker after hearing that song?

Apples and oranges. Not the same thing.

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I dont think any of her fans will kill themselves over this song... unless you think the majority of our tweens and teens fanbase are really that stupid?

I'll ask the younger fans this... did anyone wanted to be a Government hooker / hooker after hearing that song?

No, I didn't wanted to be a prostitute after hearing Government Hooker, nor did I want to set some damn rain on fire after hearing Set Fire to the Rain, shoot a b---h down after hearing Man Down, or **** a mermaid after seeing the You and I video.

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