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Dance In the Dark (Official Acapella Snippet)


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I think it's filtered.

sounds really good though.

It's her headphones, unfortunately when she recorded Dance In the Dark, her headphone feed was terrible. Listen to other snippets.

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It sounds like a filtered acapella with Delay added,,,

The official acapella snippet we have doesn't have so much noise and reverb.

This is probably fake

Just listened to it.

This snippet we have is much cleaner.

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Guys it's official. Check the other snippets, they are the same. A lot if headphone feed that's all. Also, someone in this thread has the full one and they said it was real...

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it's real, the acapella is indeed noisy. the headphone sound is a bit loud, plus there's all the vocal layers and stutters and that guitar-like sound

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Listen to the Monarchy Stylites remix... NO background noise...

Monarchy likely received the separate vocal parts, the noise could have been EQed out or it was part of the BG/effects tracks (most of which they didn't use in the mix) rather than the lead vocals

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