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Video Premiere: Lady Gaga - Million Reasons


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4 minutes ago, Joel said:

MR video, PI video also says HI :giggle:

Those aren't performances though, her live stuff is still killer...  :firega:

Also the SB won't just be Joanne songs, I'm hyped for hearing Poker Face live for the first time in a while!

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Free My Mind
38 minutes ago, Red said:

The only thing that truly bothers me is that it starts with the last seconds of Perfect Illusion. It is so forced. It's like they thought people were too dumb to understand it's a sequel :flop: 

it's so that they can be put together seemlessly... I'd say if they're all like this... we'll get a full video type thing

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How does someone who purports herself as the greatest artist of our generation release something like this? Could you imagine Bowie or MJ or Madonna releasing something like this in the past?

Who directed it lol? When the cars pull up to the parking lot, we don't need to see the doors open. We don't need that forced continuation from PI in the beginning either. It's like a 5 year it. Her acting in front of the mirror is so off. The editing of her hugging her friends goes on too excessively toward the latter end of the song. 

Also, someone watch 3:04-3:07 :laughga: That editing

There's plenty of really PERSONAL MVs that aren't so terrible - e.g. Britney - Everytime

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29 minutes ago, Nayru said:

I don't think we should simplify the complaints about the video in such a way,- especially not at this point of her career. The continuation of a video as the supposed "it-factor-element" of a major release in 2016?! Come on... 

While I do agree with you that no one  actively "promised" us anything, most of us consume Gaga's videos with a certain set of expectations. In this case it certainly didn't even scratch the surface of the standard SHE has established in the pop-scene since 'The Fame'. And I think we can both agree on the fact that lot of us fell in love with her because of her visually exciting & stimulating imagery. 

You wouldn't accept a McDonald's burger in a Michelin-starred restaurant; so why does it come as a surprise to some of you that a lot of die-hard fans are not ready to consume this luke-warm reject of a video?



First, please don't try to compare fans. We are all "die-hard fans" of Gaga, that's why we even go on this forum, a forum dedicated to her. No "normal fan" does that.

It's obvious that her aesthetic has changed during this era, and quite honestly, we all have enough time to process it. People are complaining that it took her this long to release the video, well, you should have taken that time to realize that this era in particular isn't going to be like her other eras, it's just not.

Watch this recent interview with Gaga, she literally explains that she wants us, the fans, to try to let go of past eras. She's definitely, absolutely proud of what she did, but she knows that we cannot keep holding on to those things. It's not realistic. Are you going to compare Gaga when she's 40, 50, hell, even 60 and beyond to her in her early 20s? No, because it's not realistic.


The MV is what it is, personally, yeah, I'd say I'm a little disappointed, but I'm going to scream bloody hell and pull my hair out because it's just not worth it. 

That said, I think a lot of the complaints are exaggerations. I watched the video, from a completely non-biased perspective, at the perspective from someone's who not a Gaga fan, and the video isn't bad whatsoever.

It's just that you think you should expect these things from her, when it's been made very clear that you're literally stanning an artist who is the embodiment of unpredictability. We've created this entitlement attitude and think that she needs to put on the best possible show with each performance, when in reality, the reason why she's doing this is because she loves and adores us to the point where she's had a hundred million reasons to walk away: we are her one good one she needs to stay. 

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I mean, this video is pretty much what I was expecting from it, soooooo... I don't really get the disappointment here. Seemed pretty clear to me that the video would essentially be what it was. She's been stripped back like this for a while now, yall should have been ready for it 

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I guess the Imagine music video was boring to all of you as well. It's what this reminded me of.

"Who are we, if not slaves to this torment?"
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I wasn't expecting anything avant garde, that being said I do wish we'd had more of the stuff out in the desert/story stuff.

I thought it was very touching though, the emphasis on family and friends and strength through unity. 

(And so much love for the pink suit and the white Gretsch guitar, such a good look for this era).

I think we'll get some amazing stuff for Diamond Heart/John Wayne/whatever becomes a single. This video served the message of the song perfectly, so I think in that way it is a success.

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Naor Daniel

So many questions.

Is this Gaga? Did she pull this off? Is this the same girl that brought us paparazzi, poker face, bad romance, Alejandro, judas, applause? There's so many more!

she was the absolute master of music videos. So is she really creative or was it simply a very good team that created this fake image of hers?

she didn't even need to try too hard on this one. It's extremely cringe worthy. Everything about this video is so awkward I don't even know where to start from

i had no problem with her new album, her new approach. But she doesn't have to be this weak and awkward. She used to be the biggest star on the planet, she has the money and power to pull this off. 

Million Reasons will never be a hit. She had such a huge potential and she invested so much in promoting it and all for THIS.


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21 minutes ago, lavenderblondee said:

I think the "continuation" thing got people hyped, and she shouldn't have used this. It sounded like people were expecting a very basic video, but the "continuation" thing happened and it hyped people up. I feel like it's just unused footage from the PI video (Which it is, isn't it?) so...it didn't have a real reason to be a continuation.  I'm not necessarily disappointed, but this feels like a pretty last minute MV that she could of released a long time ago since a lot (if not all) of this footage is months old now.

It's pretty obvious that this is new footage. There wasn't grass at the end of Perfect Illusion. 

"Who are we, if not slaves to this torment?"
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18 minutes ago, Blackwillow said:

SB is in jeopardy 

That's ridiculous. Gaga is doing the Super Bowl. 

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