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Gaga: "CNN,Stop normalizing Trump's election"

Azor Ahai

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3 hours ago, Bio said:

Exactly the opposite. People should protest to show the president they are not happy and to send him a message. Not to make a petition to get him out of office or **** like that. The douchebag won fairly. All people can do now is keep a close eye on his every move and if (or let's face it, when) he ****s up they can think about an impeachment.

I don't like this. This is like saying saying a tyrant won and took over and we should shut up and let him do as he pleases (not American but this applies to humanity as a whole). A LOT of people know that the man is unqualified to be their PRESIDENT for God's sake. They have the right to protest.

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3 hours ago, ladyGAGAiscool said:

She is a Mexican. She hopped the border and trump married her to rescue her from her parents. Jesus stop it. 


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That J

It's not just her doing this.  I'm seeing many high profile people (not just artists) fighting back against all of this.  My FB timeline is loaded with it.  its high profile people, no profile people. Regardless of your opinion on it or even if you HAVE an opinion on it, this is one of the most fascinating things I've ever seen in politically in my 30+ years on the planet. 

The Idler Wheel Is Wiser Than The Driver Of The Screw
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4 hours ago, SomethingMore said:

:wtf: he won the election. She has to stop.

Nah, she has a right to speak up. I agree honestly. I want this fear to be acknowledged 'cause it's the only way it's going to be calmed.

Trump himself needs to come out and apologize for his ridiculous campaign and reiterate that he's our president and his biggest interest is unity. That would gain a lot of respect from me personally and probably from many others.

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7 hours ago, SomethingMore said:

:wtf: he won the election. She has to stop.

I still don't get why you like him lol I'm still curious.

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5 hours ago, JohnnyVersace said:

The fact that some of your AREN'T angered by this election, and more concerned about a pop star's reputation is deplorable. 

YAAAAAAASS :queenga:

Dilated, falling free. In a modern ecstasy
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Just like the people had the right to speak their minds when they elected a bigot, Gaga has just the same right to speak out against that bigot. Light will prevail.

Dilated, falling free. In a modern ecstasy
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Judas Oyster

Let it go. I'm not glad he got elected but it was an election after all and we have to bear with it now.

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46 minutes ago, PartySick said:

Nah, she has a right to speak up. I agree honestly. I want this fear to be acknowledged 'cause it's the only way it's going to be calmed.

Trump himself needs to come out and apologize for his ridiculous campaign and reiterate that he's our president and his biggest interest is unity. That would gain a lot of respect from me personally and probably from many others.


As long as people continue to invalidate our existences and struggles because of the results of this election, TRUMP INCLUDED, then I fully support people protesting. Even when protesting dies down, its going to be a LONG 4 years and I'm strapped in and ready to go.

I don't see him having the strength of character to do this though :madge: If he really cared about making America (which is all Americans) great again, he would try to heal this tension that he and his supporters have caused. He would decry the KKK, he would decry violence, he would decry racism, sexism, homophobia, etc. But will he? I doubt it :smh: He is not a president for the people, and that is part of the problem.

私自身もこの世の中も誰もかれもが, どんなに華やかな人生でも, どんなに悲惨な人生でも, いつかは変貌し, 破壊され、消滅してしまう. すべてがもともとこの世に存在しない一瞬の幻想なのだから
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Always the queen of speaking up! 

It would be un-Gaga of her to stop now. 

Seeing people say they want her to stop makes me hope she keeps going even more. Follow your heart just like you always do Gaga! 

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AquaFire Witch

Why did she wait like a week before the election to get involved.  Too me it just comes off as rushed and completely fake. I love the girl but if she is going to practice what she preaches then she needs to realize that not all her fans share her views. It's not a cult. We have our own minds.

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1 hour ago, Judas Oyster said:

Let it go. I'm not glad he got elected but it was an election after all and we have to bear with it now.

**** did you even watch all the hate people is getting just because they aren't white straight???? This is not about the election this is about white ****ers thinking it's ok to denigrate us because they have a douchbag president. If you want to be a part of people that look the other way then good but I'm glad Gaga is pulling the courtains down:fthis:

What if tomorrow I see you again? Should I say that I used to love you?
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1 hour ago, bombshell2nite said:

Why did she wait like a week before the election to get involved.  Too me it just comes off as rushed and completely fake. I love the girl but if she is going to practice what she preaches then she needs to realize that not all her fans share her views. It's not a cult. We have our own minds.

She didn't. Gaga has been involved since the primaries. You must have missed all the threads on here about it over the last 18 months, but they have been here. 

Gaga is not asking you to join a cult, nor is she trying to deny that you personally have your own mind. She probably would disagree with many of your opinions and values, but she isn't denying you the right to have them. 

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8 hours ago, SomethingMore said:

 he won the election. She has to stop.

"Hitler won the election. Jews need to stop. :wtf:"

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666 others
8 hours ago, SpadesToStart said:

That's the thing about a president like Trump, we can't stop fighting.  We need to ruthlessly police him to make sure he doesn't destroy the country.  Most Americans like to check out of politics for 3.5 years after the presidential election, but that's not an option this time around.

Tbh, looking forward to the protests at his inauguration.  He needs to know that people hate him, it will hopefully make him reconsider some of his rhetoric and policies.

I doubt that. He seems to live in a bubble of his own version of reality.

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