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Riley's Born This Way Ball Studio Versions Thread (temp sticky)


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Well, unfortunately if It's not on the Ziggo Dome Amsterdam recording, then I won't be making it :/

That's where I heard it. :hug:

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Well, unfortunately if It's not on the Ziggo Dome Amsterdam recording, then I won't be making it :/

From 2:33 to 2:46 in the Electric Chapel recording. Isn't that an extended band outtro? :huh: :P

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J e s s e

Well, unfortunately if It's not on the Ziggo Dome Amsterdam recording, then I won't be making it :/

I noticed you didn't add sounds from Bloody mary to the emerging interlude :fat: It's in the Amsterdam recording too! :) By the way I noticed you did Monster ball 1.0 studios, can I have a DL please, I'd LOVE to hear them!! :giveup:

"They have as much in common as dinosaurs and goldfish: the cracker kind!" - Penelope Garcia
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I noticed you didn't add sounds from Bloody mary to the emerging interlude :fat: It's in the Amsterdam recording too! :) By the way I noticed you did Monster ball 1.0 studios, can I have a DL please, I'd LOVE to hear them!!

Good lord you've got quite the hard-on for his MB1.0 Studios, as you should since they're amazing (the only thing I'm missing is the Fame/BDR/Money Honey Medley, which is just a combo of the 3 songs, I don't think its different from the others or anything). I've got them and I could upload them but not to mediafire, they banned me, it'd be 4shared unless you have another website you prefer, if so speak now or hold your peace until later on today and wait 30 minutes for me to upload them lmao :P

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Well here's Riley's MB1.0 Studios, I decided to go with ge.tt instead of 4shared and turns out I do have the Fame/BDR/Money Honey Medley. I also made a cover for the album, its in the zip, and the tracklisting makes NO sense unless you upload it to iTunes or something else that can detect disc #s. Well enjoy: http://ge.tt/3WWBfnO/v/0?c

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J e s s e

Good lord you've got quite the hard-on for his MB1.0 Studios, as you should since they're amazing (the only thing I'm missing is the Fame/BDR/Money Honey Medley, which is just a combo of the 3 songs, I don't think its different from the others or anything). I've got them and I could upload them but not to mediafire, they banned me, it'd be 4shared unless you have another website you prefer, if so speak now or hold your peace until later on today and wait 30 minutes for me to upload them lmao :P

Yes please, please also be HQ

Well here's Riley's MB1.0 Studios, I decided to go with ge.tt instead of 4shared and turns out I do have the Fame/BDR/Money Honey Medley. I also made a cover for the album, its in the zip, and the tracklisting makes NO sense unless you upload it to iTunes or something else that can detect disc #s. Well enjoy: http://ge.tt/3WWBfnO/v/0?c


"They have as much in common as dinosaurs and goldfish: the cracker kind!" - Penelope Garcia
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Yes please, please also be HQ


Yeah they're HQ, not lossless wav files like his new stuff, but 320kbps mp3s which is still really good quality :P

You're right to celebrate, they're really good, I can't believe you didn't have them already. Although a few months ago Riley posted a new link for his MB1.0 studios and I downloaded it, but then I realized that I already had them in my iTunes since March 2012, possibly earlier; proof that I'm a compulsive downloader, I downloaded a set of tour studio versions I already had even though I thought they seemed familiar, I remembered them because of the slightly complicated way that the songs are numbered lol and because of the alternate versions of certain songs. When I realized it was Riley who made my favorite MB1.0 studios I freaked out, I had no idea he had made them at the time, I thought he was just doing BTWB Studios, it was like meeting a celebrity lol :P I got the same feeling the first time I exchanged words with Dazedmadonna or the few other audio remixers from GGD I look up to lol, I probably sound so silly

But anyway, enjoy :D oh do you have Riley's BTW Promo Tour Studio Versions? He posted them around the start of the year. They're really amazing too, I swear everything he touches turns to audible gold

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J e s s e

Yeah they're HQ, not lossless wav files like his new stuff, but 320kbps mp3s which is still really good quality :P

You're right to celebrate, they're really good, I can't believe you didn't have them already. Although a few months ago Riley posted a new link for his MB1.0 studios and I downloaded it, but then I realized that I already had them in my iTunes since March 2012, possibly earlier; proof that I'm a compulsive downloader, I downloaded a set of tour studio versions I already had even though I thought they seemed familiar, I remembered them because of the slightly complicated way that the songs are numbered lol and because of the alternate versions of certain songs. When I realized it was Riley who made my favorite MB1.0 studios I freaked out, I had no idea he had made them at the time, I thought he was just doing BTWB Studios, it was like meeting a celebrity lol :P I got the same feeling the first time I exchanged words with Dazedmadonna or the few other audio remixers from GGD I look up to lol, I probably sound so silly

But anyway, enjoy :D oh do you have Riley's BTW Promo Tour Studio Versions? He posted them around the start of the year. They're really amazing too, I swear everything he touches turns to audible gold

No I don't have them :( I already have a complete set of MB 1.0 studios, but out of Riley's there are 20 I like, So I'm gonna replace some of the ones I have with his :woot:

"They have as much in common as dinosaurs and goldfish: the cracker kind!" - Penelope Garcia
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No I don't have them :( I already have a complete set of MB 1.0 studios, but out of Riley's there are 20 I like, So I'm gonna replace some of the ones I have with his :woot:

Yeah I've got 2 sets of 1.0 studios, one by Riley the other by Dazedmadonna. They're both really awesome. I thought about going through all my studio versions of this or that and only saving the ones I liked best but eh, I'm a music hoarder lol. Well if you want the BTW Promo Tour Studios let me know and I can upload them for you :)

By the way, what did you think of the cover I made for the MB 1.0 Studios? I found it on google but I changed the colors and the text, it was driving me crazy how I didn't have a cover for it lol

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Here's a link to a zip folder of Riley's BTW Promo Tour Studios if you want it, enjoy, if you want lol :D


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J e s s e

Riley after the revamps are done, please do version of the ones that are shortened and add their second verse and second chorus?

Highway unicorn


Fashion of his love


Americano (the don't you try to catch me verses)



Please, I'd love full versions of these :stabbed:

"They have as much in common as dinosaurs and goldfish: the cracker kind!" - Penelope Garcia
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