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Applause [Chorus Backing Vocal Filter] by Ricky

Mr Ricky

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Mr Ricky

I tried on this one. 

Next to that, Heavy Metal Lover's extra! ( "Heavy Metal Lover" ).

Enjoy bbs ♥

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Brooke Hoegan


omg, they are great, thanks :kisses:

I always wonder how people make those filters :cryga:


can I ask you something ? since you have many filters of Applause on your soundcloud do you have any of that "cymbals" filters somewhere also ?

you can hear them quite clearly here :

very clearly : 0:24-25    0:29    0:31-32    0:36

I'm dying for them, are they even a real stem, or are they an artificial product of filtering ?

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Mr Ricky

omg, they are great, thanks :kisses:

I always wonder how people make those filters :cryga:


can I ask you something ? since you have many filters of Applause on your soundcloud do you have any of that "cymbals" filters somewhere also ?

you can hear them quite clearly here :

very clearly : 0:24-25    0:29    0:31-32    0:36

I'm dying for them, are they even a real stem, or are they an artificial product of filtering ?

They are an artificial product of filtering. I could not imagine that the producer would have made such thing on the background, because it's out of sync. You get that result, because of the echo's from the synth. And since 2 chorus layers were on top of eachother to filter this result, you will get to hear that. ♥ 

I can try getting it out without the vocals. :)

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Brooke Hoegan

They are an artificial product of filtering. I could not imagine that the producer would have made such thing on the background, because it's out of sync. You get that result, because of the echo's from the synth. And since 2 chorus layers were on top of eachother to filter this result, you will get to hear that. ♥ 

I can try getting it out without the vocals. :)

oh, too bad, I love them...

nevertheless I'll be waiting, thanks :kisses:

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  • 2 weeks later...
Mr Ricky

Do we not already have a full vocal stem of applause?

Where :crossed:  

Last time I checked, I never could find one. 




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