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They may have more commercial success but no impact


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​u have your own definition of current generation? :toofunny: make a thread about it  

No, I am using the already existing definition.



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Just because I don't share your opinion, it doesn't mean that I am deluded.

​it's not just an opinion when u deny facts and refuse to back up your arguments with proof (which i requested in this thread  and you said the links werent neccesary) 

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Just because I don't share your opinion, it doesn't mean that I am deluded.

​Ignoring facts is hardly an opinion. Its pure ignorance.

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​Britney's last hit was in 2012. How is she not this generation anymore?

By generation I mean when they started their careers.

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Just because I don't share your opinion, it doesn't mean that I am deluded.

​Well, if you're saying, after what I wrote about Britney, that she is not "that impactful" and that even if she was, you're just trying to avoid acknowledging it by making up this ridiculous "this generation" theory (EVERYONE of this generation knows about Britney's earliest hits), you are definitely being willfully deluded.

I am not even presenting an opinion, I'm presenting you with facts: facts that show that what you claim are Gaga's original inventions or genuine moments of revival and renewal were already done by other artists, something you refuse to accept even if your own favorite artist you're defending says that Britney completely changed the industry as a whole!

Can you just at least be honest and say that you have a personal opinion unfounded by factual data from which you are refusing to back down when faced with actual factual data? It would make things a lot easier, though it still makes you look like a prick for making the 100th discussion thread about your opinion presented as fact, and a fact that is questionable to say the least.

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​Well, if you're saying, after what I wrote about Britney, that she is not "that impactful" and that even if she was, you're just trying to avoid acknowledging it by making up this ridiculous "this generation" theory (EVERYONE of this generation knows about Britney's earliest hits), you are definitely being willfully deluded.

I am not even presenting an opinion, I'm presenting you with facts: facts that show that what you claim are Gaga's original inventions or genuine moments of revival and renewal were already done by other artists, something you refuse to accept even if your own favorite artist you're defending says that Britney completely changed the industry as a whole!

Can you just at least be honest and say that you have a personal opinion unfounded by factual data from which you are refusing to back down when faced with actual factual data? It would make things a lot easier, though it still makes you look like a prick for making the 100th discussion thread about your opinion presented as fact, and a fact that is questionable to say the least.

Never said Gaga invented anything. I never denied anyone's impact. The point of this was that there is no reason to be jealous of the success of the current artists, because Gaga is more influential then all of them.

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Never said Gaga invented anything. I never denied anyone's impact. The point of this was that there is no reason to be jealous of the success of the current artists, because Gaga is more influential then all of them.


yes u did :sweat:

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The argument in this thread is spinning around just like this dance song from 2000



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I am talking mostly about modern artists. And Rihanna only really impacted fashion. Nothing else. 

​Oh no way. Rihanna has had a huge influence in music. After We Found Love Calvin Harris' career boomed and everyone wanted to work with him/everyone else was making similar pop/edm type music.

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Never said Gaga invented anything. I never denied anyone's impact. The point of this was that there is no reason to be jealous of the success of the current artists, because Gaga is more influential then all of them.

​No, you only minimalized everyone's impact but Gaga's.

Your point was clear, but when other users show that a. Gaga is not more influential than "all other artists"; b. those other artists had more than "little to no impact" you can't bear to accept it.

How can you prove a point by not providing proof and by knocking actual proof off the table because it doesn't fit your personal opinion which is more of a wishful nature than anything else? You can't.

I don't even know what to say anymore, it's just always very exhausting to spend a lot of time and effort on opening up a discussion and providing new elements of conversation just to get slammed back with vague responses that just show an unwillingness to be honest. But I guess the joke is on me for carrying on so long.

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