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Sam Smith's "Stay With Me" is now co-credited to Tom Petty after case


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Sam Smith settled a case with Tom Petty due to Stay With Me sounding similar to I Won't Back Down. Stay With Me will now be co-credited to Tom Petty.


Fun fact: Tom Petty could potentially be credited a Grammy win for Stay With Me this year if it wins


 Song and article link below.




Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/01/26/sam-smith-tom-petty-royalties_n_6546892.html

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THAT'S where I've heard it before. I always thought that song sounded so familiar but I couldn't place it. 

I love judas SO MUCH but I canʹt look like a copycat of JLO!!!!
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he didn't lose a case


it was settled behind closed doors and Sam complied throughout the whole thing


Tom Petty doesn't deserve a 12.5% writers credit when the song they used also ripped another artist and Petty didn't even write the lyrics. There's songs out that are significantly more similar that don't result in suits, this one is particularly ridiculous...like are they going to sue every single person who uses this melody from now on?

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I don't feel like they're similar? I mean the long note at the end of the chorus kinda sounds alike but...


Edit: yet Roar remains unpunished...  :hor:

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 Stay With Me will now be co-credited to Tom Petty.





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Blank Space

Little bit oner verse nothing more, the time Roar copied Brave nobody has ever sayed a word, now one verse sounds a little bit similar with "Staaaa with me" world goes crazy, this just shows how caty can escape whatever she does.

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