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Jessie J absolutely scalped by Drowned in Sound review


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You can read DiS' acidic takedown of Jessie J and her 2011 debut Who You Are as smart aleck cage-rattling or a withering indictment of how homogenous modern pop/chart music has become. Three years on, things are even more grim. Sure, it's foolish to look to the charts for any kind of sustenance but there was a time when it wasn't all so obviously cynical. Now, the songs that dominate the Top 40 aren't really songs at all. They're showcases. They exist purely to further a brand, provide a platform for Featured Artists and, in the case of an accompanying promo, dot the colourful landscape with as much product placement as possible.
Enter Sweet Talker, lead single 'Bang Bang' and Jessica Cornish's latest roll of the 'crack America' dice. You can see the boardroom meeting. 'Hmm. Jess really needs to make an impression here. The last album was a disaster so it's sink or swim time. Nicki or Ariana? **** it, let's just get both.' Fitting that Jessie compares some poor unnamed girl's arse to a reinforced automobile, because this is a car crash of a song. A screaming, piercing, nails-on-a-chalkboard mess. The chorus belongs on the closing moments of a trailer to a particularly wretched rom-com, complete with Baritone Voiceover Man and brilliant white faces smiling brilliant white. Everything else is simply a soapbox for the trademarked trio. Grande is just kinda there, Minaj does her 'show up and spit inane lyrics really fast' thing and Jessie gets to go full Aguilera. Look what I can do, everyone! BUY ME. LOVE ME. Desperation drips from every micro-managed pore.
Sweet Talker is Cornish's third, though her marketing team would like to pretend that 2013's never-released-in-the-US Alive doesn't exist. Indeed, there's not a single mention of it in a press release that goes as far as to label Jessie J a 'global icon', which, and I feel I'm being generous here, is absolutely taking the piss.
"Imma do it like it ain't been done", she speed-crows in the opening seconds before adding that she's "one of a kind" against terribly obnoxious guitars and beats. Fair enough, it's important to come racing out the blocks but 'Ain't Been Done' is nothing more than braggadocious ********.
By the time she correctly notes that it's "so loud, loud, loud…" on, er, 'Loud', your head starts to spin a little. It's just too much. Cornish can belt it out with the best of them, of that there is no doubt. She's no slouch, either - 'Domino' is a belter and she wrote 'Party In The USA', for Christ's sake. Sweet Talker is as hollow as it gets, though. It's the audio equivalent of a Buzzfeed list. There's barely a narrative other than posturing. It's not really an album, more a relentless ad campaign. I'm not buying it and neither should you.


2/10 http://drownedinsound.com/releases/18475/reviews/4148354



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Damn :omg:


Where is Ronlop when you need ha :reductive:

私自身もこの世の中も誰もかれもが, どんなに華やかな人生でも, どんなに悲惨な人生でも, いつかは変貌し, 破壊され、消滅してしまう. すべてがもともとこの世に存在しない一瞬の幻想なのだから
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when i think of jessie j i think of this HILARIOUS statement she made when she broke her leg

"I'm back in the swing, getting my cast off after nine weeks of this awful Smurf shoe. But it's put everything in perspective. I have a different respect now for people who don't have legs."

"Just after I broke my foot, I was in my living room and I put on Beyonce's 'Save The Hero', like, 'If I'm not around, who saves the hero?' and it made me realise, like, I need someone now."

"You give so much as an artist, you give, you give, you give."

"I'll break my foot and I've got fans going, 'I've got a tummy ache, can I get a re-tweet.' People think you go to a special hospital, get special casts and treatment. It's a lie - I'm the same as anyone else. And that was a moment when I had a proper good cry."

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It sucks so I'm surprised it even got past a 1

How was she okay with this album getting signed off

Her last two albums shows she musically totally lost it. She is desperately trying to save the ruins of career by making even more commerical ****.  vicious circle

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