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Gaga tweets about being "fat"


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Gaga would have it easier with a GIRL fanbase.

Instead so many of her supercritical fans and biggest haters are gay, who often are intolerant of anyone being the least bit fat.


Sadly, you are correct in this observation. She would have it easier with more girls and more straight guys in her fanbase.


The supercritical fans are the most vocal and loudest, as well.

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The Child

Yeah but this sh*t happens all the time and i mean she is clearly NOT fat. it annoys me when all you see is comments about her being fat. :fail:

I mean I'd rather her look like this than how she was looking during TF/TFM/BTW eras, she was so think, she looked anorexic.

‘If religion be the cause of disunity, then irreligion is surely to be preferred.’ ‘Abdu’l-Bahá
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Everything she says is taken as some political statement by fans. She's just saying being shallow isn't good. That's the point of the tweet. Stop over-a--lyzing it like it's a goddamn thesis about body image and personality.

Um I was agreeing with you?
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This is nice and all but I hate that it completely ignores the health implications of being overweight. Oh well

she's not overweight though

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Its laughable really. She looks healthier than 80% of the world. Our culture so fücked.



They project their own insecurities on Gaga. shame :queenga:

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I think I broke some kind of mod record for most number of warning points given in 1 hour today.  :fail:


I hated to do that actually, because I'd rather have a mature dialog about this subject and explain to people why it's not okay to call someone "fat". 


Weight is just an aspect of a person, and we all have varying degrees of control we are willing or able to assert over that.  Insulting someone for being too heavy (and what is "too" heavy?  Gaga is not that!) never helps.  If anything it can make things worse.

It's easier to teach a giraffe how to fly than talk common sense with morons.

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Morphine Prince

Um I was agreeing with you?

Oh, no I wasn't reprimanding you, it was a general statement. 


Although now I can see why you thought it was directed at you :smh: Sorry lol. 

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They project their own insecurities on Gaga. shame :queenga:


EXACTLY :applause: :applause:


When you're confident and you love yourself you don't feel the need to make rude comments on other people's weight.

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Kudos to her. Makes me wonder if shallow people are self loathing to the point they must project it to the world or just that full of themselves to blind them from deeper insight.

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