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ARTPOP and the end of Lady Gaga


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sorry but too long to read :toofloppy:

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inb4 ARTPOP just unexpectedly under-performed due to messy release schedules + behind the scenes drama and fans are just desperately trying to find some reason in the mess :emma:

sorry but "Lady Gaga" isn't going anywhere. she says after every album that "this new album is my first REAL album!"

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I think what you've said is interesting and there could be some truth to parts of it. I really don't think she'll drop the name 'Lady Gaga' though, she's too well-known imo. I think even if she does make significant changes, there's always going to be 'something' (I can't think of a word to describe it) that will be running through her work and artistry that we can see from even way back before she was famous. I always think there's going to be elements of pop in her work, even if she did decide to depart from it in the traditional sense (which I guess in some ways she already has). 

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dont be delusional

don't interrupt my performance art :hor:

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Why would she be leaving "the narrow spectrum of conventional pop music" by releasing her most safe pop album yet?


Gaga will change after this era but she changes after every album :shrug:

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Oh and "Lady Gaga Is Over" was a reference to some headlines and general speculation about her.


She may feel like she needs to go under a transformation now because she realised even a safe pop era after the huge Born This Way era isn't quite enough. She did not know this at the start of ARTPOP.

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Gaga is Life

That gives me a whole different view :giveup: What if Gaga wanted to flop this era so she slays the next one? 

But then the momentum from ARTPOP era slayage would've carried over into the next album like it did with Born This Way possibly :)

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An interesting thought tbh, but I just don't think someone really wants a flop era for music they worked on for two years

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Andy McQueen

She's always changing, I don't see the point at all - since she's Gaga and always will be. Jazz is a different genre with a different fashion style.

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I don't buy this, she flopped, why would she WANT to flop? Non-sense theories that just can't accept the fact that his era is not what everyone was expecting. People we're saying the exact same thing of ARTPOP with Born This Way. 

Shut up Meg


The goal of this theory is not saying why she flopped, read it again

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Bloody Matt

Interesting... But I think we always tend to read too much in everything...

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I'm adamant she did not flop on purpose, the most obvious reason is because the music on the album was way below par compared to her previous works. An artist that wants to be taken seriously would never do that and because it's career suicide. She got lazy imo and now her career hangs in the balance, her next album needs to be flawless or else she's over.

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I never said Gaga flopped on purpose, or flopped for that matter. Reading comprehension isn't a strong suit of this community ;)

I wonder if C2C will thematically tie in with Gaga's career or if it will be further removed from her other work?

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I don't really think there is an end to Lady Gaga. I believe she is pausing this "GAGA" ego of hers, such as the hair, outfits, stunts, etc. I mean, her biggest inspiration is David Bowie.

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