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Madeon Confirmed: Mary Jane Holland Is NOT Stolen.


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So was the instrumental the band used the one Gaga worked on, or was it still Madeon's skeleton?


Either way, at least we're getting word on this lol


edit: why would it have been 'stolen', anyway? Madeon made the instrumental, and at worst it should be considered 'recycled', not stolen.

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People on here freak out and lose their **** waaaaaaaay too quickly. I don't even know where y'all find the energy to have constant meltdowns.

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I don't necessarily see that this completely vindicates Gaga, I'm afraid. I did some homework into 'topline' writing and how it works. This might make interesting reading for some:



Obviously nobody really knows what happened here, as we we don't have the full story. However, it sounds probable that Madeon simply produced the background and distributed it to a bunch of artists, including Gaga, who then added lyrics to over top (hence topline). I would imagine after Madeon chose to work with Gaga's idea that the two then collaborated to adjust the song to the finished product.


This is very different from Gaga penning a blueprint of lyrics / chords on her piano, and then sending to Madeon to produce an electronic backing production - which is how I have always imagined her songs being produced, and certainly the way that it has previously been described and portrayed (á la "creative vomit"). Perhaps the style of producing / writing for ARTPOP differed from her previous releases.


I think my discomfort comes from the fact that the root of the song, its core sound, tone and melody, has not come originally from Gaga herself. Though she added to the finished product, I can't help but feel this devalues the credibility of her creative contribution.


I am being a negative nancy, but I can't help expressing myself - very happy to be politely disabused! 

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People on here freak out and lose their **** waaaaaaaay too quickly. I don't even know where y'all find the energy to have constant meltdowns.

the scars on my mind are on replay.
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Her songwriting process has run the gamut between her writing on the piano and leaving it that way, to collaborating with a producer to produce an idea, to writing lyrics over existing production ideas the producer had. Writing lyrics over producers work started with Just Dance. This is not remotely new and no sign of her being "lazy" in the ARTPOP era except for people looking for excuses to drag her. Her best song Bloody Mary was an existing DJWS beat.

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I think my discomfort comes from the fact that the root of the song, its core sound, tone and melody, has not come originally from Gaga herself. Though she added to the finished product, I can't help but feel this devalues the credibility of her creative contribution.


I am being a negative nancy, but I can't help expressing myself - very happy to be politely disabused!

Gaga's input into the creative process varies by song, but it's always a LOT.

Sure, it would be a little more impressive if Gaga could have engineered the sound of MJH herself. But that's very special skills to craft music from waveforms. It would be even more impressive if Gaga did the production herself, and the recording herself, and drew the CD cover herself, and packaged the CD's herself and did the promo herself etc.

All the while, many fans are complaining that Gaga is doing too much by herself already. :smh:

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Gaga's input into the creative process varies by song, but it's always a LOT.

Sure, it would be a little more impressive if Gaga could have engineered the sound of MJH herself. But that's very special skills to craft music from waveforms. It would be even more impressive if Gaga did the production herself, and the recording herself, and drew the CD cover herself, and packaged the CD's herself and did the promo herself etc.

All the while, many fans are complaining that Gaga is doing too much by herself already. :smh:


What I mean is that the base melody itself (i.e. the chords, the bass, the accompaniments etc) would have been drafted, even in rough, by Gaga acoustically. In this instance it seems that she did not, and that her main contribution was writing lyrics to fit what Madeon had created.


Fair play to Gaga - she has always been pretty upfront about the fact that her albums are a collaborative work (and lets not forget that even the acknowledgement of 'Haus' is far more than most other mainstream stars acknowledge in terms of their creative support). I am just a little jarred, because of my previous interpretation of her creative / composition process.


I think in the past (circa. Born This Way) I had the impression she had a more direct input into the electronic production, though it became apparent that this was perhaps not wholly true (I was a bit surprised when she said that Venus was her first 'solo' production). 

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now everyone can calm their tits

ikr, people on this site are such dramaqueens. 

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