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Gaga, Monsters on Bill O'Reilly show (video)


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Wow. Bill o'reilly is an idiot. At the very end when the other guy was like, "well, we'll see what happens to gaga", and bill o'reilly says along the lines of, "well I'm not"--well clearly you are because you had a whole segment on your show to show his demographic how 'dumb and gay' her fans are and how she's 'declining'. Truly sickening.

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Also, nobody should be ashamed for liking her.

This, although I feel like sometimes I am because of the people around me. It sucks! They're always asking **** like "why do you like her? She's weird, she wears weird stuff like meat dresses." It's like they are trying to make me feel bad for being a fan. lol WTF does it have to do with anyone else who another person is a fan of? lol

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Awful. Just awful. That video was clearly edited to hell and back just to make those fans look like total idiots, and it worked. They literally put time into the show for a segment just to slander someone's career and work. Disgusting.

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Lion Heart

Sickening. This isn't the first time O' Reilly and Watters have portrayed members of the LGBT in such a awful spotlight; the one I can remember at the top of my head was the mermaid parade edition last summer or so. Jesse Watters attends all sorts of rallies/ parades/ etc. and interviews people in the audience, and from there they choose the ones who were obviously not prepared, and/ or edit their comments out and make them look "dumb" on television. I hope Gaga doesn't see this, but I have a feeling she will or has already. :/

This is coming from the same guy who said he would shoot gay people in his church.  Just saying...

....Really? When did he say this?

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....Really? When did he say this?

Some segment a while back.

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They tried to make Gaga and her fans look so bad


like the questions about politics or watching the news


they portrayed the fanbase as hella gay and super stupid :awkney:


didnt like that at all :crossed:





Rude & degrading, just like everything else associated with Fox and Republicans. 

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And people wonder why Gaga is tweeting and speaking up about the haters these days?

God forbid she'd draw a line.

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They cleary were looking for one kind of people. I think the interviewer may wear the same clothes as the Lady Gaga fans he interviewed. It looks very unconfortable in that suit. :dies:

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Not sure why a show discussing political issues and world news is dragging and insulting a pop artist


A few months ago O'Reilly accused Beyonce of promoting teenage pregnancy.

(Sexy video - makes teens have s-x) 

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Princess Die

He looks like a chimp. :Smh:

Nod if you wanna make love with the enemy. ❤
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We have seen a lot of pathetic things during these 6 years, but this one is a new goal. Congrats Fox news for exceding our expectations.

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ugh. I've been there, I was right behind this tv-guy when he interviewed the guy with the septum + Venushair.


They obviously cut out the "deeper" questions. He was asked how gaga helped him and he gave a detailed, solid answer on that.


but they cut it and only showed his shallow responses on stupid questions... I work for a big TV station here in germany but sometimes I just hate how they manipulate their material.

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