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Lady Gaga and Joe Biden join forces at campus abuse rally in Las Vegas


Lady Gaga and Joe Biden join forces at campus abuse rally in Las Vegas
Photo credit: gagaimages.co

Lady Gaga joined Vice President Joe Biden to support the White House's "It's On Us" campaign during a rally held at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas on Thursday. The 73-year-old politician praised Gaga as one of the bravest survivors he knows before she took the stage to perform her latest single "Til It Happens to You."

"Imagine the courage it takes for her to speak out and then imagine the courage it takes for her to sing a song, 'Til It Happens to You,' that is branded in her heart," Biden said as he introduced the singer before hundreds of University of Nevada students.

Gaga, who was sexually abused aged 19, performed the Oscar-nominated song at a black piano next to a large American flag. Afterward, she called supporting the cause her greatest cause, saying: "What I've learned is that the most powerful form of feeling is compassion, so if you can simply be a friend to someone and truly listen, truly lend your ear, even if it's hard or you don't understand. You will be fulfilling the sense of loneliness that has stayed with me ever since the day I was abused."

"It's On Us" is a campus initiative to end sexual assault. For more information, visit itsonus.org.

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