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Explicit Gaga DVDs lead to age-rating change


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Lady Gaga's Born This Way has been criticised for its "demeaning portrayal of women".


A loophole in the law allowed extreme footage classified as sport or music videos to be bought by youngsters.


But from April next year the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC) will assess such films and issue them with a "12", "15" and "18" rating if need be.


DVDs that have quite legally been exempt from classification, but the BBFC has received complaints about, include Lady Gaga's Born this Way video, which features nudity and a "demeaning portrayal of women" and the ***cat Dolls Workout Exercise video featuring s-xually provocative poses and movements.


Close-ups of female genitalia and the sight of a baby being crushed underfoot in the Flaming Lips - Christmas on Mars video caused upset, according to a consultation document.




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Oh but you can watch decapitation on The Walking Dead, that's apparently fine

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how in the world is the born this way video a  "demeaning portrayal of women"?? what??? :Chica:

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I'm confused, Born this Way isn't a DVD tho....  :duck:.  

Honestly I can see why, when my friend saw the Born this Way video, she thought it was an adult video   :laughga:.

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So, decapitation on The Walking Dead, the similar significant of 666 in Revolution is nothing

And oh, the Jersey Shore... i see...

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Born This Way, a song and video about loving who you are and accepting others, is seen as a demeaning portrayal of women. Good going Gags. :emma:

Take a moment to think of just flexibility, love, and trust~
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demeaning portrayal of women


in Born This Way?




I wonder who made this list.

stream ritacadabra
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how in the world is the born this way video a  "demeaning portrayal of women"?? what??? :Chica:

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Hmm.. I'm not understanding this either.. A demeaning portrayal of women?  :huh:


Obviously they just needed some random excuse.

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omg,this shows how much our society is being distracted from the real and important news and happenings. Born this way is the exact opposite from what they say. The GP will obv. agree with them and be like : OMG yes ! Media nowadays is so s-xual and violent and this Lady Gaga is just a part of all that **** ..  :redface:  :crossed:

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