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DO NOT POST LINKS -- "Brooklyn Nights" Snippet Discussion Topic


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La Primavera

I just noticed that it was written in 2010 while she was doing TMB tour... If the leaked version is the demo it actually might've changed a lot by now...

If it will be on Act 2, which will probably come in late 2014, it will be released 4 years after writing it!!!

OMG really? I didn't know this

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Ive been repeating this 30 second leak for a day :X



I need this so bad... it seems like its going to have an epic nostalgic cute vibe to it... which is rare for a Gaga song. I don't expect it to be as "dancey" as she said, but thats ok!! we need this..


"I didn't brush my hair and my lashes are falling off of seven years of bad luck dating" or w.e... 

Gaga's epic one liners continue!!!


This line alone is giving me such life.. Haven't had it as much as when I heard "When I lay in bed, I touch myself and think of you"


Im so ready for ACT II (even though i want 1 more final single from ACT I) Temple, Brooklyn Nights, TEA, Onion Girl, Tinnitus, Princess Die + more here we come X_X

Edited by ASipOfVENUS
私自身もこの世の中も誰もかれもが, どんなに華やかな人生でも, どんなに悲惨な人生でも, いつかは変貌し, 破壊され、消滅してしまう. すべてがもともとこの世に存在しない一瞬の幻想なのだから
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The twitter account with the lyrics just tweeted 'A little over 12 hours to go :)' and I know thats not for the Fallon performance. I guess we're getting it later today then!

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Is it "illegal" to ask someone to send it to me via private chat? I'd really like to hear it :(

its not illegal to search youtube for it. 

it was still there not so long ago 

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I don't really want to judge this yet. Too choppy and LQ.

Imagine she performed this tonight.

In the meantime, my ARTPOP vinyl LP just got posted to me. Finally :D

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