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Can we let Gaga know her attitude is getting in the way of her art?


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This is ridiculous. The amount of horrible things fans write on social media that are passed off as "Im just stating my opinion" is astounding, but when Gaga makes one comment we have to tell her to be nicer, I don't think so. :smh:

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That J

Neither me nor any other epic monster is Gaga's boss and we don't know half the things we may think we know. We aren't her parents and, hate to break this to ya, we don't know HER. Be a fan or whatever but none of us need to tell her what to do. Sorry.

There's literally a shocking amount of people in this fanbase who has lost their damn mind. Stop the drama, start the music. Get a life even maybe.

The Idler Wheel Is Wiser Than The Driver Of The Screw
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Ok shes free to tweet whatever the **** she wants and you're free to dislike it. End

This so much. Can we post this in the top of the site please?
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#promoteonlinekindness I don't even care if she starts drama rlly; if there's a jealousy torwards Miley and it give her a drive to be even better hey I'm here for some competition

but it is still hypocritical, interested to see what's gonna happen soon

doseofamnesia. tumblr. com
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"IF that was Miley shade then Gaga needs a reality check" - I don't think it was a shade and I think it was OK. Moreover, I think Miley was the last person on Earth Gaga was thinking about while writing that tweet :toofunny:


"I understand there may be things behind the scenes, but she is constantly coming across as so hypocritical with stop the drama. She has been all trash talk this era. I still have some hope for the reboot, but it's getting hard, especially with her posts and arguably insecure boasting" 


Can you please explain the hypocritical attitude towards "stop the drama" more precisely? 

I think I don't get it  :confused:


I think she knows what she says will stir up controversy in the fan bases. Her posts on LM about critics and basically anyone disagreeing with her being "wrong" isn't exactly accepting anyone's opinions. She shouldn't tell us all to do so if she will blatantly ignore them. I get that she wants people to overlook the negative, which is great, but her major post was basically saying how we shouldn't even give constructive criticism.


Then why did you want to make some joint trending project? You jumped to conclusions and now you want a bunch of Gaga fans to trend something against her, based on your wild speculations? :eek:


You are kidding on the above bolded part, right? Because seriously, that's all we have been doing for weeks and weeks on GGD! You've participated in discussions on this exact same thing a couple of weeks ago. Did you forget all that? There are tons of past threads on Gaga's LM comments. Why don't you go and reread those?


The subject has been discussed to death, dug back up and discussed more, many, many times on GGD. There literally is nothing new to say about any of it!  If you want, I will go copy a bunch of comments, from the MULTIPLE threads from the last month and post them in this thread.


It's not just about that tweet. It's about her who negative attitude, imo, that she has had recently. I don't mind her dragging fake friends or saying to ignore negativity, but the critics post was very contradictory, rude (I am actually a paid music critic, not famous, but still...), and ignorant to essentially say no to any form of criticism, constructive included. It wasn't the exact discussion, and no one made you post in this thread, so if you'd rather not read it, feel free to leave. 

The bolded part was not a joke. Both sides of her fan divide can barely listen to the other side's opinion without more than saying "bye" or some equally stupid and unthoughtful comment. I wanted to hear about people's opinions of when "enough is enough" for putting up with someone like Gaga. This is a Gaga forum, it's a totally acceptable place to discuss such a thing, but the fact most little monsters can't even try to comprehend where the other side is coming from, from either side... makes me think a collected discussion isn't possible here.  :awkney:

Can you just stop. Let the woman do whatever the **** she wants. You aren't her mother or her father, and you aren't her manager. Let her worry about herself. I'm so damn tired of people saying she's ruining her art, or doing something she shouldn't be. How can you say that? Who are you to determine what she should or shouldn't be doing. If you guys are gonna keep complaining about every single thing she does then please see yourself out bc I honestly have no time for it anymore. 


You didn't have to post here. lol You're wasting your own time.


All her LM posts say is basically to just stop the negativity. What's wrong with that attitude?

I like that aspect of it, but Gaga isn't stupid, she knows she is boiling up some form of drama when she says things. She's always been that way, but I think fans are making a bigger deal now. My problem is her post about critics on LM. It contradicted it's thesis and I felt offended, because I am a paid music critic. She can't claim all critics and criticism are negative things, because it isn't and I think that was very rude of her. Negativity to me is the Miley drama with the Smilers wanting Gaga to die and all that. Someone not liking music is just an opinion. Calling it a flop is rude, but not many people did that, except other stanbases and a couple messy news outlets. 



This is ridiculous. The amount of horrible things fans write on social media that are passed off as "Im just stating my opinion" is astounding, but when Gaga makes one comment we have to tell her to be nicer, I don't think so. :smh:


It's horrible? Because I think her LM posts about critics was rude and immature? This isn't about the Miley tweet, because we don't know the intention behind that. I don't mind her trash talking fake friends, but she needs to let things go. Her mood is overshadowing her career imo. Discussing things like this isn't "horrible", as long as it is a discussion. It was mostly calm until a few people started posting. Like I said above when is enough enough of Gaga's attitude toward anything that isn't praising her and her career? I love her, Fame isn't suiting her as well as she thought it would imo. But you should understand that just because I don't agree with you on this does not mean my opinion is "horrible". That's a scapegoat answer. Calling something "dumb" or creating"drama" are the least helpful posts of all in a discussion. 

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#promoteonlinekindness I don't even care if she starts drama rlly; if there's a jealousy torwards Miley and it give her a drive to be even better hey I'm here for some competition

but it is still hypocritical, interested to see what's gonna happen soon

 I hope she uses it to grow as well. I don't care if she does as long as she is not telling the world how people are mean and they should be nicer.

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Illuminati Freak

Ya'll need to focus on more important things and stop reading into silly tweets. I mean seriously this isn't real life step away from the computer people. If you don't like GaGa's attitude then so be it. That's your issue not hers and frankly she gives zero f*cks. 


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I think she knows what she says will stir up controversy in the fan bases. 


I think she knows even more: I think he knows that what she says may stir up controversy not only in the fanbases, but it can easily get to the evening news and to the headlines of the world's leading newspapers. This is what it's like when your image is owned by the public: every single word you say or move your take are getting instant reaction/backlash from everybody. The real message of her words is immediately being twisted and presented in a very subjective way. Should she think of it while making statements/saying something? It's a complicated question. If she wants to stay true to herself, she needs to express her thoughts as free as possible, never trying to change the context due to the fact her words are destined to garner serious internet attention.


She shouldn't tell us all to do so if she will blatantly ignore them. 


She should have said something, because - trust me - I spend not so much time surfing through this forum, and even I was shocked by the way longtime Gaga fans were freaking out about the critics reaction on ARTPOP. The meltdowns when Metacritic was updated were horrendous. People were feeling like she is even more losing her connection to the public. It was strange. Her post is nothing more than a reaction. 


And she obviously wasn't talking about all the critics, but there're those who are extremely subjective and very passionate in their attempts to bring her down. 


Gaga's idea with the post was another. Imagine where she would have been now if she had listened to the critics back in the days, in 2006 and 2007. Nowhere. Neither her music nor the way she presented it were initially recieved warmly, and it took Just

Dance over 5 months to climb the charts. After that, the swing in critic's mind was fantastic.

Why are then fans so sensitive about critics? In fact, even more sensetive, then Gaga herself ) 


You see, there's almost no reason about criticizing Lady Gaga music. Her creative process is very much a birth of fantasy inside her heart and soul, and she is very passionate about keeping it private. It's the way she expresses herself, and you can't basically change her way of self-expression. Her music is not the intention to create a chart-topping single, but rather a wish to give the sound to the feeling blasting inside her own head. It's just that sometimes the emotions she is focusing about are interesting for the vast part of general public, sometimes - not.


ARTPOP is a very good record: it's strong and professional, but you can't make her write a more GP-friendly album because she is driven by the feeling and inspirations, not by the intention to stay successful. It's almost like: Gaga, you shouldn't feel this, you should feel that. How is that possible? ) 

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It's not just about that tweet. It's about her who negative attitude, imo, that she has had recently. I don't mind her dragging fake friends or saying to ignore negativity, but the critics post was very contradictory, rude (I am actually a paid music critic, not famous, but still...), and ignorant to essentially say no to any form of criticism, constructive included. It wasn't the exact discussion, and no one made you post in this thread, so if you'd rather not read it, feel free to leave. 

The bolded part was not a joke. Both sides of her fan divide can barely listen to the other side's opinion without more than saying "bye" or some equally stupid and unthoughtful comment. I wanted to hear about people's opinions of when "enough is enough" for putting up with someone like Gaga. This is a Gaga forum, it's a totally acceptable place to discuss such a thing, but the fact most little monsters can't even try to comprehend where the other side is coming from, from either side... makes me think a collected discussion isn't possible here.  :awkney:







A collective discussion IS possible. It's the fact that we've had the same discussion now (and you've been involved in the series of those discussions), for weeks...over and over and over....


There is nothing new to say on this subject!  The exact same fans are bringing up the exact same topics over and over. That's not a discussion, that's either some kind of obsession with a subject or evidence of not being able to discuss a subject and move on.


What's the purpose in a collective discussion, if there is never any type of resolution. Certain people here post a mini-rant/meltdown/complaint, wait a week and post the same thing, wait another week and post the same thing again. That is a person that has an agenda or they aren't willing to either resolve their issues and/or move on to enjoying being a fan. What's the purpose of that? They've got a major issue with Gaga and they want TO MAKE SURE the rest of us know that, EVERY SINGLE WEEK, week after week.

That's not a simple discussion- that's running a subject into the ground, beating a dead horse, and pushing an personal hang up or agenda down people's throats.

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Jewels n Drugs

can you take a seat? gaga needs this confident attitude. 

i agree but the first part wasnt needed

oh look when you werent looking my motorcycle turned into a piano
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You didn't have to post here. lol You're wasting your own time.

But, just like you I can do whatever I please. I can say the same for you, that you're wasting your time worrying so much about someone else's life instead of your own.

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jeez, are yall 8 or something? never in my life ive seen such childish reactions, it was just a tweet pointing something obvious out, its not a Hitlerian statement broadcasted worldwide, and why everyone is losing brain cells to the stress over this, both Miley and Gaga remain unbothered enjoying their boyfriend's dicks


Look at JB, at Britney a few years ago, THOSE are meltdowns, those are career risking moments, and they are still here, stop acting like every single little thing Gaga does wrong is going to make her dissapear completely, because thats just plain dumb



and yall call the lm.com guys the "unstable ones"

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