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DL: LoveGame demo from Making "The Fame" video


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Now she seems so...polar to what she was then. FameGa was about partying. MonsterGa was about raving. BornGa was about politics. ArtGa is about artistry...so different, yet the same.

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J e s s e

Thank god this one leaked, the other one :rip:

"They have as much in common as dinosaurs and goldfish: the cracker kind!" - Penelope Garcia
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I'm pretty sure this hasn't been posted here yet, and if it has been, sorry! Just wanted to share this gem with all of you since I had no idea it was out yet.


It's one of the demos of LoveGame, but the vocals in the verses are much softer and the production is slightly different. And no, this isn't the version with the overly-loud "HUH"s :toofunny:


You can hear it in a video uploaded on Gaga's official YouTube account, a making-of video for her debut album.









HELP can u send a fixed DL

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Leaked by dazed forever ago

Thx 4 contributing

fragment-fragment--bul-uh...scab-uh..fragment-foot, bullet fragment foot bich!
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