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Tour Schedule & Sold Out Shows (artRave) - $83M tour gross / 74 shows


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5  Lady Gaga, Lady Starlight  Palais Omnisports de Paris Bercy  Paris, France  Nov. 24, 2014  $1,249,746  13,018 /

13,018  1 / 1  $136.52, $43.44  Live Nation Global Touring/Live Nation France


6  Lady Gaga, Lady Starlight  Metro Radio Arena  Newcastle, U.K.  Nov. 22, 2014  $824,555  8,779 /

8,779  1 / 1  $140.91, $54.80  Live Nation Global Touring/Live Nation UK


7  Lady Gaga, Lady Starlight  SSE Hydro  Glasgow, U.K.  Nov. 16, 2014  $681,824  10,403 /

10,403  1 / 1  $141.02, $54.84  Live Nation Global Touring/Live Nation UK


8  Lady Gaga, Lady Starlight  Motorpoint Arena  Sheffield, U.K.  Nov. 20, 2014  $672,004  11,528 /

11,528  1 / 1  $141.15, $54.89  Live Nation Global Touring/Live Nation UK


14  Lady Gaga, Lady Starlight  Barclaycard Arena  Birmingham, U.K.  Nov. 13, 2014  $455,781  6,129 /

6,129  1 / 1  $141.63, $55.08  Live Nation Global Touring/Live Nation UK


I still wonder where is the Stockholm boxscore tho :confused:

EDIT: Oh BTW Birmingham is just :rip:

Wtf happened with Birmingham - I don't remember it looking so bad?

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Perth, Australia :

- Pollstar : 5,690

- Billboard : 8,120 (+2,430)


Brisbane, Australia :

- Pollstar : 6,790

- Billboard : 9,249 (+2,459)


Birmingham, UK :

- Pollstar : 3,483

So if it's the same :

- Billboard (+2,400) : 5,900


Remember that according to Pollstar, Katy Perry sold 12,242 tickets of her first show in Birmingham and 3,798 for her second one.

Result : AEG Live didn't report the numbers of these shows, so maybe Live Nation won't release them too because she sold bad  :ohno: 

Turned out to be true :giveup:  2646 tickets more in Billboard boxscore :toofloppy:

Edited by PolishKapi
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Miss BTW era sales ...


Have you seen the South American box scores? Or pictures from the empty stadiums in Mexico and Ireland? So many North American shows were floppy too...


I miss the Monsterball 1.0 sellout theatre shows.

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Wtf happened with Birmingham - I don't remember it looking so bad?


The 2nd night was played to a reduced arena that would probably have held around 8,000 if genuinely full. The GA was pretty sparsely populated - the plus side to that was being able to follow her round the stage with great spots for each part of the show. Despite having half as many people there as Birmingham 1 it was a much superior show IMO.

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Added in the new boxscores. Am so pleased to see that Glasgow had just under 22,000 people with $1.9 million overall. Hoped to equal Beyonce's 23,000 figure and hit the $2 million mark, but it's still brilliant. Throughout the entire UK leg, Gaga actually equalled or bettered the attendance and gross of a lot of mainstream acts like Miley, JT, Bruno and Kylie. The only pop acts who were doing better than her in the UK were Beyonce, Katy and 1D. So, she really wasn't a flop at all. She actually beat the UK attendance for the BTWB (116,793) with 118,049. Really close, but she beat it. That was the intention: to prove that touring arenas really is better in the UK than doing 2 stadiums in London and 1 arena elsewhere. The rest of the UK beat London's attendance and gross amazingly, so there's the proof that she shouldn't put so much attention on London stadiums. The overall gross was 1.2 million less than TBTWB, but that was only because she did stadiums there and the prices were higher, plus there wasn't last minute £10 a ticket offers back then like there was here (well, that's what happened for Glasgow, anyway). I really hope she expands on her UK tour plan for the next tour, with the hopes of getting even more success with a much better team behind her who clearly know all the best promo gigs to get and will devote time to the UK market.

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I thought there were 79 shows?

Yes, 79 including 4 festivals and 1 #artRAVEStockholm which its boxscores weren't announced yet. The festivals boxscores won't count in the full boxscores because Gaga wasn't the only headliner, and #artRAVEStockholm probably won't be announced ever.

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Most profitable shows


1 & 2        Tokyo, Japan                           3,937,218$ (Total: 7,874,436$ -- 2 shows) 

3              Dubia, U.A.E.                           1,835,201$

4              Tel Aviv, Israel                         1,786,945$

5              New York City, USA                 1,625,812$

6              Manchester, UK                       1,625,149$

7, 8 & 9    London, UK                             1,543,939$ (Total: 4,631,817$ -- 3 shows)

10            Barcelona, Spain                     1,420,987$

11            Antwerpen, Belgium                1,394,133$

12            Atlantic City, USA                     1,366,626$

13            Toronto, Canada                     1,355,260$

14            Birmingham, UK                      1,329,847$

15            Zurich, Switzerland                  1,314,684$

16            Chicago, USA                          1,314,360$

17            Glasgow, UK                            1,278,571$

18            Amsterdam, Netherlands         1,273,725$

19            Paris, France (Bercy)               1,249,746$

20 & 21   Los Angeles, USA                     1,222,162$ (Total: 2,444,324$ -- 2 shows)

22            San Jose, USA                         1,201,315$

23            Boston, USA                             1,190,212$

24 & 25    Las Vegas, USA                       1,189,990$ (Total: 2,379,981$ - 2 shows)


I think Stockholm is in the top 10 but it seems we'll never get its boxcore  :fthis:


She should promote the next album in mainland Europe (France, Germany, Spain and Italy) and Australia, because the boxcores in all these countries except for Spain and maybe France are not amazing.  :wtf:  Since Europe is her strongest market (along with Japan) she should focuse on promoting her music there. 


Anyway 83 million is a fantastic number and the shows were wonderful  :popcorn: It would be more than 90 million if Montreal, Quebec and Seoul boxcores would have been counted  :fail:

Edited by KingOfSpain
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