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Countries Gaga WILL visit for sure


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Gaga will, for sure, visit the big 4 in Latin America (Santiago, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Mexico City).

She's also likely to visit Hong Kong, Tokyo, Taipei and Singapore.

She may skip Australia+NZ, it depends on Interscope. Many artists tend to skip Australia and they are ven more successful than Gaga in Australia with this era so far.

She might skip the Netherlands and go with an extra date in Belgium or skip Belgium and go with a bigger Dutch venue, but Gaga usually visits the Netherlands.

US: NYC, LA, Minneapolis, Dallas, Denver, Atlanta, Chicago, Seatlle, Boston, Miami are certain tbh. And those are just from the US geography that I know :laughga:


You forgot Buenos Aires... biggest audience in Latin America: 45,007.  :cool:

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Sorry :toofunga: I confused Buenos Aires with Rio.


Oh, the eternal confusion between Brasil and Argentina.  :derpga:



I want the tour dates NOW.  :excited2:

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