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I need Gaga to start hyping Applause so I forget Aura/Burqa and get me in the Applause mood again

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Born Brave

I need Gaga to start hyping Applause so I forget Aura/Burqa and get me in the Applause mood again

But what's Applause? lol

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inb4 Applause leaks on the 12th and is played more than Roar and when Applause actually comes put, Katy tries for success again and releases Teenage Dream: The Complete Confection Reloaded

British social ladies with upturned pinkies, glasses clinking // xoxoTEANUS
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Don't worry.......she will hype it......on the 12th of August



so true tumblr_m8eiv7CgIH1r4xlmuo4_400_large.gifspill DAT TEA

inb4 Applause leaks on the 12th and is played more than Roar and when Applause actually comes put, Katy tries for success again and releases Teenage Dream: The Complete Confection Reloaded


and scraps Prism :laughga:

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inb4 Applause leaks on the 12th and is played more than Roar and when Applause actually comes put, Katy tries for success again and releases Teenage Dream: The Complete Confection Reloaded

:dies: GENIUS

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The days are going to start feeling so much longer when we hit single digits :rip:

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Don't worry.......she will hype it......on the 12th of August





why the 12th? whats significant about the 12th?



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Aura/Burqa/whateverthebubbla****itiscalled has gotten me very excited for Applause! I hope it's similar :) I also hope it has a stutter-hook, which has been quite successful for Gaga (J-j-j-j-just dance, p-p-p-poker face, judas juda-a-as, rah rah ah-ah-a-ah, ...)



You will never please everyone.
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when i heard the chorus of AURA i was too excited and was about to throw up


my heart will not be ready for APPLAUSE especially cuz the video is also coming out on the same day!!! OMG!!!

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Wait. Random thought:


Wonder if Gaga leaked Aura intentionally, so that people are a little familiar with the song. And then she'll perform a small piece of the real version at the VMA's. Seems unlike her to perform just one song without doing a medley with something else...and she's not going to resurrect anything from Born This Way in the performance. 


Pending public response she may even release and slay the charts with two songs at once. #roar

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