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Gaga not able to perform till september.


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yeah 7 months it's a very rational period for recovery.


Remind me please what kind of surgery did she have? heart and brain transplantation?  :awkney: 

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I know she needs to get well, but it's like 4 and half months till then and it really seems long. I'd have to forget about her in that time.


That break would be actually rational if you ask me if things went as they were planned to go, you know, BTW Ball, those 3-4 months would be nothing.




Katy, Britney, maybe Adele, maybe Nicki, JLo are going to release new records this summer so I have a feeling that Gags is waiting to see how their new material is going to sound like. I had the same feeling in 2011 when she postponed BTW release to May (Love?, Femme Fatale and Roman Reloaded were released before) Just my opinion.


And I hope that if she really writes that much music right now, she won't take break in next 5 years.

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Like you could keep her away from the spotlight that long. I'm actually surprised (though happily, because I don't want her risking her health!) that she's not back in full force yet. I was honestly afraid that she'd jump back into her regular habits again the moment she could put weight on her hip. (Tweeted mr G to ductape her to a chair for her own good if need be X-D).


I'm glad she's taking proper time to recover, but I expect her back within a few weeks tbh.


(Expect, not wish, I wish her to be back when she's fully healed so she can be 101% and won't risk her body for us.)

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Not true. Mid August is the latest. However there us a chance that she will hold off until September.

Mid August is almost September :laughga:


I'm teasing ;)


Take your time doll!! we'll be here, well some of us anyway.The scenario is almost believable IMO

Besides this is from a "SOURCE" :nails:

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If I was her team I'd be setting expectations for Sept, and then surprise everyone earlier.

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Called it.


I knew that ARTPOP + promo performances would come in the fall.


She should rest.


Ready for Gaga to slay this fall.


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Stopped reading at sources! Usually when they say sources it's because it's a lie and they don't have official quotes :ARTPOP: :ohwell:

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I had a source once tell me that she was the devil and she came on a crouton from the 5th dimension to ruin pop music.

My sources are a napkin used by Gaga and a cab driver that drove someone who said their friend saw the chair that was next to the chair Gaga sat in.


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Oh guys, c'mon, my cousin broke his arm and he got ready in one month and he started to do all of the usual things he used to before the accident, Gaga hasn't broken anything thank God, and she has 3 months to recover while she already walks with mini-heels, I don't see why people are exaggerating. Yes, it's going to take time, but who said she needs to perform to promote? With all of the eager around she can perform a ballad on a chair and she'll still get a N1. 

i broke my hand and had it wrapped for 4 months and needed a year and  a half training to be able  to do all the regular moves.it depends on how severe an injury is

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Can you believe it's been 2 months already since the Ball was cancelled?  :emma:

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