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Chromatica w/out BloodPop is better


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This tweet just changed everything to be, how house 90s and interesting Chroma would have been without BloodPop ruining everything. She didn't want the album this way you fool she only let you ruin it because she was not in a good headspace. And I just know you decided to cut the album short for streaming, look a Mayhem with tracks with normal 3-4 minutes length. #JusticeForChromatica #GiveUsTheExtendedVersionOfChromatica



I’m sorry if I hit some nerves with the truth. Let me put it in another way: BloodPop did not have Gaga’s best interests at heart or didn’t know her best interests or chose what was best to get a hit. Azealia said herself with Mayhem she said what she wanted to say and not what people wished she would say. That’s the lack in Chromatica, it was trying to be this “pop comeback”.

Now Michael had Gaga’s interests at heart and even convinced her to not let the album be linear but diverse.


Edited by culturalbaptism
Judas is coming. Let the cultural baptism begin.
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Why people act like BloodPop stole the hard drive containing Chromatica and changed all the songs w/o Gaga’s consent? :icant:

If you see me posting like crazy, I'm either bored or procrastinating.
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Just now, Red said:

Why people act like BloodPop stole the hard drive containing Chromatica and changed all the songs w/o Gaga’s consent? :icant:

This and some of those demos... :toofunny:

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Just now, dynamite said:

This and some of those demos... :toofunny:

I mean, I do like the Free Woman demo more than the final version but Gaga doesn’t agree with me if she changed it and the album is hers so :shrug:

If you see me posting like crazy, I'm either bored or procrastinating.
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1 minute ago, Red said:

Why people act like BloodPop stole the hard drive containing Chromatica and changed all the songs w/o Gaga’s consent? :icant:

She was not well at the time, she needed someone who isn't a "yes man". There's a reason Mayhem is better. Michael truly made her see the light, what BloodPop failed to do. Justice for Free Woman Demo.

Judas is coming. Let the cultural baptism begin.
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Just now, Red said:

Why people act like BloodPop stole the hard drive containing Chromatica and changed all the songs w/o Gaga’s consent? :icant:

I mean. That may not be what happened. But she has made it very clear she was kinda disconnected from the process. Letting demos from multiple producers happen. Trying to hide out on her porch and being dragged back into the studio. Writing and wanting 1000 Doves as a ballad but being told it should be a dance song. Her showing Blood what she was working on and him ripping into it and saying it was bad and inauthentic and making her cry before starting the work on Chromatica. It just overall did not seem like a great process from what we do know…

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Babylon and 911 needed the original bridges. Soooo good! Could've made them over 3mins too. 

Free Woman should've never been changed. Horrible idea. 

I think the changes made the songs lose their Gaga-esque touch.


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1 minute ago, culturalbaptism said:

She was not well at the time, she needed someone who isn't a "yes man". There's a reason Mayhem is better. Michael truly made her see the light, what BloodPop failed to do. Justice for Free Woman Demo.

I’m tired of this fanfiction :triggered: Gaga literally scrapped almost all her songs made in 2015 cause she didn’t like them anymore, what makes you think she wouldn’t do the same if she wasn’t vibing with the final Chromatica? Why can’t we fathom that Gaga is the boss? Why is it so hard to accept that BloodPop did not do anything Gaga did not want him to do?

If you see me posting like crazy, I'm either bored or procrastinating.
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2 minutes ago, Red said:

I mean, I do like the Free Woman demo more than the final version but Gaga doesn’t agree with me if she changed it and the album is hers so :shrug:

That one is a good one yeah!

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Well Gaga herself said that Chromatica wasn’t her best music, let’s celebrate the self awareness :vegas:

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Chromatica is my favorite album by Gaga, Mayhem is catching her ngl but for now Chromatica is taking it still for me

90s House music is my thing like i need that to vibe haha and i can totally hear what you're saying. blood cheapened the quality of it and after Mayhem im sitting here wondering what a 90s House album would sound like with this quality in production and this care for detail. in a way it really makes me sad because of what could have been and im saying that as a Chromatica stan. theres still elements there like in Alice, but I know BoyzNoize was involved in these early demos and hes into analog sounds/synths like is on Mayhem. 

I mean the bloodpop tracks are still bops but like i would love them better with the original edgier dancier rougher 90s house production and vibe they had before. i do think blood is a good prouder though and Chromatica still remains my fave album

Edited by robotvoiceinalice
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the only better demo was Babylon and it’s not even their fault I’ve heard that there was an issue with acquiring the sample or whatever

but nonetheless, with or without BP, Chromatica is a good album! Discrediting Bloodpop feels like discrediting Gaga’s efforts as well… let’s just move on and enjoy MAYHEM

Edited by eevie
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3 minutes ago, culturalbaptism said:

She was not well at the time, she needed someone who isn't a "yes man". There's a reason Mayhem is better. Michael truly made her see the light, what BloodPop failed to do. Justice for Free Woman Demo.

That's kind of a contradiction tho - 'yes men' say yes... to whatever the person they're yesmaning wants, so... did he exert too much control over the album despite Gaga's wishes or did he yes man her wishes :vegas:

Men are naturally more dominating, aggressive, and logical thinking because we have balls.
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There's a thread on this topic every second day. Meanwhile Katy Perry is still active in this industry. Priorities 

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