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Gaga ASMR interview for W Magazine


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28 minutes ago, AVeryGagaHolyDick said:

She wanted the Bad Romance to be dark and Francis suggested that it was white on the eve of the shooting. She re-used some of her initial vision in the Abra video


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33 minutes ago, AVeryGagaHolyDick said:

Fun informations:

- The Just Dance disco ball would cut her legs all the time

- She wanted the Bad Romance to be dark and Francis suggested that it was white on the eve of the shooting. She re-used some of her initial vision in the Abra video

- Her favorite Born This Way songs are Born This Way and Government Hooker. It used to be Marry The Night

- “The Mistress Of Mayhem loves leather cause she’s a bad bitch. She represents the dark side of me”

Thank you. I got 3 seconds into this and it was like nails on a chalkboard for me :messga:

Do you feel him sir?
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Not me sitting in the quiet area on the train and bursting out laughing after 10 sec. This is already my favorite video ever and I've seen 20 seconds.


According to Gaga I'm a ****ing rad bitch
  • LMAO 1
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