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Does Gaga d!e at the end of Abracadabra music video


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the video starts with the call ‘DANCE OR DIE’ suddenly everyone starts dancing and Gaga doesn’t. To me, Mother Mayhem symbolizes Gaga’s inner saboteur. she’s trying to kill Gaga. She knows Gaga is over dancing … but suddenly to her surprise she comes alive and dances harder than ever. Mayhem THOUGHT this would work. 

Remember at the end of Disease the walls were closing in only when she wasn’t dancing? She was enjoying seeing Gaga fight with herself and not be Gaga anymore. 

I think the other Mayhem videos will continue to reference things that Gaga used to be ‘known for’ but hasn’t done at that caliber in years. 


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10 hours ago, Arcanum said:

I think it's more like a continuation from the Disease MV. In Disease she is captured by the Mayhem b*tch. In Abracadabra she is inside Mayhem's torment suffering anguish, hence her screaming towards the end because she wants to break free. Finally she does having newfound power that's why she looks up. I guess she escapes.

i thought the consensus was that those dancers symbolize the fans begging her to dance/ be dark ha again and she didn’t want to

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For me it's all about challenging yourself. The video starts with a clear challenge: DANCE or DIE. 

The only way to overcome your inner mayhem is by embracing the challenge head-on, proving to yourself that you're not finished yet — there's still one more dance to be had in this life. :firega:



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The way I interpreted it personally was that the Lady in Red (who is clearly in power) was so moved by the performance that it reminded her of her own yearning for dance, culture, and humanity. It felt like a self-reflective moment. Like she suddenly questioned, "Why did I create this spectacle where I command people to dance or die for entertainment?" The age element really stands out to me too. Especially with the cane and the way she hobbles when she dances. It gives the impression that she was once the performer but has now become the ruler, almost like a queen watching peasants for entertainment. In that final scene, maybe she’s not just witnessing the performance but longing for a time when she was the one dancing. Idk just my take! 

*edit: oh also, I feel like at the end, Gaga's gaze upwards to her is giving like "Okay i did it, are you gonna kill me? Bitch pull up if so. I'm right here." energy

Edited by peigang
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I think the end is ambiguous as is the Disease video. Gaga has already talked about how the concept of Mayhem is something she can run from but it always catches up - and embracing and accepting it is making peace with it. So the endings all lacking clear and direct resolution allows for any and all interpretations to be true 

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12 hours ago, elegidadedios said:

I have the following theory: Lady Mayhem looked very decrepit and creepy in the Disease MV, whereas in Abracadabra she kinda had a resurrected look, no flaws... It was like an upgrade. Meanwhile, Gaga (as herself) in the Disease MV looked also weird with all those scars and to-the-roof veins, and, even tho she didn't have those things in Abracadabra, her make up and rest face was giving (at least to me) a more dead face.

So, I think Lady Mayhem is nourishing from Gaga, getting somewhat more appetizing, not so monstrous, as the visuals from the album keep going forward. It's like they are changing places. 

I don't know if that makes sense, but I feel like in the next single+MV we'll find out Mayhem finally took place over Gaga and so on. That's why titles like "Vanish Into You" and themes like zombie and beast are there (for me, again).

Thank y'all for reading my essay :cryga:

wait, this makes so much sense :what: 


The melody that you choose can rescue you
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The final was kinda basic, I mean was it neccesary? That shoot of the Red Lady, what is she saying with that face and head move? Then pointing White Gaga with that fast shot? Whats the point? I prefer more detailed shots with meaning, dont like those type of shots with no meaning and bringing nothin to the story/video. 

now·taw·ree·uhs  bee·uhng
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24 minutes ago, fede ARTPOP said:

The final was kinda basic, I mean was it neccesary? That shoot of the Red Lady, what is she saying with that face and head move? Then pointing White Gaga with that fast shot? Whats the point? I prefer more detailed shots with meaning, dont like those type of shots with no meaning and bringing nothin to the story/video. 

It has meaning . . .

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9 hours ago, ALGAYDO said:

…Gaga getting crushed between two houses? 

bítch go watch the video again, the good sis needs your streams lol 

Ohhhh I didn’t realize that happened 

Pronounced like “Balenciaga” . Emphasis on the “Ga”
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