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So… thoughts on Abracadabra?

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4 hours ago, NibbCub said:

I've tried to give it a chance and have come to the conclusion that I just don't like it. Sounds like Von Dutch and Telephone had a baby. I really think the video makes me dislike it even more. I don't sense any DarkGa at all. It's some ridiculous red queen/white queen Alice in Wonderland spastic urban dance off with cringey screaming at the end. I absolutely love Disease and the video, so this track will just be a skip for me.

Dang I wish I felt this way. My ears hurt from blasting it on repeat 🥲

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The visuals for it are the best visuals in pop in over a decade. The song itself, I don’t think the GP will latch on to. It sounds like the industrial dance music from born this way, which I never really liked, but I love how much attention and good reviews she has gotten. 

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Luna Lovegood
5 minutes ago, NCgaga said:

The song itself, I don’t think the GP will latch on to.

it’s literally doing numbers on social media right now and the streaming numbers has been growing drastically every day since release similar trajectory to DWAS as compared to disease… 

luna’s advocate
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14 hours ago, MOT said:

Not seeing any signs of chaos or mayhem so far. Disease into Abra is cohesive, different tempos but the same hard-hitting aggressive approach

I remember Gaga said when we listen to the beginning of the album we will think we know what it is, but we don't (or something like that)

I wonder is Abra the 2nd song in the tracklist? It makes a lot of sense: "I can cure your disease" and then "abracadabra" here's the spell to cure it :pray:

the meow in zombieboy
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This grungy industrial house music is just everything she should do. Plastic Doll being vindicated as the best song on Chromatica for having the same pulsing, dirty, industrial sound and BPMs and flawless vocals. ABSOLUTELY!

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I LOVE how she released the song + video at the same time, and made it an EVENT with the Grammys commercial. That is so 2009 Gaga. Gaga’s visuals have always been her strongest attribute, to the point where her videos ALWAYS make her songs sound better after having seen the video. She essentially forced the GP to fall in love with the song by making them watch the commercial…almost like a spell! ABRACADABRA!

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5 hours ago, Ivy said:

Omg yes I was just telling someone, when Abra is playing in my head it sometimes turns to mad world (donnie darko version) there must be a similar progression or melody?

Lemme go listen to spellbound idk that song :artdoll2:

I was thinking of the gary jules

(Donnie darko cover) was similar, but the tears for fears has a faster progression more on par on Gaga's speed in Abracadabra.  

It's an enchanting melody. :legend:

"Any act, if in accordance with the will, is an act of magic." - Aleister Crowley
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Cute song, very formulaic using all the classic elements of a Gaga hit. Instant bop quality but after the third listen you've had enough of it, type of thing. Not sure if I prefer it to Disease, which was kind of mid too...

Is it earth-shattering like the YT-comments are pretending? :excusemeno:

I expect Mayhem to be on the same "sophistication wavelength" as 143, honestly. And I expect there to be those fans who will act like it's their favourite just like they literally did with Joanne in 2016. :laughga:

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23 minutes ago, Dona said:

Cute song, very formulaic using all the classic elements of a Gaga hit. Instant bop quality but after the third listen you've had enough of it, type of thing. Not sure if I prefer it to Disease, which was kind of mid too...

Is it earth-shattering like the YT-comments are pretending? :excusemeno:

I expect Mayhem to be on the same "sophistication wavelength" as 143, honestly. And I expect there to be those fans who will act like it's their favourite just like they literally did with Joanne in 2016. :laughga:

Haha what the **** is this girl, I listened to it easily 300 times and can't get enough. Tell me the counterspell to undo this spell.

And the rest of the stuff you say... no idea crazy, I'm dancing like never before. Kisses :kiss:

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1 hour ago, rinasawachanta said:

Haha what the **** is this girl, I listened to it easily 300 times and can't get enough. Tell me the counterspell to undo this spell.

And the rest of the stuff you say... no idea crazy, I'm dancing like never before. Kisses :kiss:

It's mostly the chorus, "Abracadabra Amor-Oonana" part sounds like a funny, fake Chromatica era demo to me.

Post-chorus "Ab. Ra. Ca. Da. Bra. Abacadaaaahbraaaaah" also got on my nerves fast, it gives me AI's definition of a Gaga hit. :triggered:

The ballroom-voguing type instrumental in the verses sounds worn out to my ears, too. I thought I preferred it to Disease on first listen, now going back to it I'm like Disease is better than I remember. :ladyhaha:

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1 hour ago, rinasawachanta said:

Haha what the **** is this girl, I listened to it easily 300 times and can't get enough. Tell me the counterspell to undo this spell.

And the rest of the stuff you say... no idea crazy, I'm dancing like never before. Kisses :kiss:

This. It’s crack. Can’t stop. 

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