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02 : 43 : 46
Mar 12, 1:00 PM PT

Any cartoons from your childhood you still enjoy?


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 I do love watching some Charlie Brown and Peanuts cartoons/specials every now and then.  Hence my user name.


Curious George has always been a life long favorite of mine.  Still have a stuffed animal of him.  

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I still enjoy Knights of the Zodiac (Saint Seya). My favorite chapter of the saga is the Hades one.

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Dont really whatch them now buy im pretty sure if bearstein bears played id so whatch


Spongebob too

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The old Cartoon Network. (Powerpuff Girls, Ed Edd Edy, Dexter, Scooby-Doo)

It takes a smart brunette to play a dumb blonde.
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Scooby-Doo, Powerpuff Girls, Dexter, SpongeBob, Gumball (not completely from my childhood but I've been a fan since day one), Masters of The Universe (which I'm sure made me gay.) These three are not necessarily cartoons but anime, but they had had such a chokehold on my childhood and still do: Macross (💖!!!), Cardcaptor Sakura, and Yu-Gi-Oh.

Can I vanish into a cheeseburger pizza?
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Avatar The Last C-ckbender

Dragon Ball

Mighty Max

Samurai Pizza Cats

Mr. Bogus

The Adventures of Blinky Bill

Biker Mice from Mars

TMNT 1987

Creepy Crawlers

Come on and wrap that blade of grass around my hairy ass
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Celloo Deng

I’m 30, I still watch SpongeBob and Pokémon :bradley:

she/her 👹🖤 | MJ King of Pop 🎶
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Nickelodeon’s Doug

Little Bear

Scooby Doo (season 1)

SpongeBob (seasons 1-3)

Blue’s Clues (seasons 1-3)

Edited by CatelynnMarie
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Tom & Jerry
Hey Arnold
Rocko’s Modern Life
Dragon Ball Z
Saint Seiya

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Mother of Puppies

I still love watching Disney movies like Aladdin, the Stone in the sword etc.


other than that, even though it’s not a cartoon, I still watch Xena warrior princess & Hercules legendary journeys :laughga: I looooooved this as a kid - I was obsessed 

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I kinda still like Tripping the Rift, albeit I like it more in a campy way now... If any of you know what that is, you might be raising an eyebrow rn wondering how I was allowed to watch that as a child, and to that I say :gaycat:

I love Futurama but I watched it as a teen so idk if it counts

Men are naturally more dominating, aggressive, and logical thinking because we have balls.
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